Bob Quote #212

Quote from Bob in That '70s Finale

Red: Now listen, Bob, I know that you were counting on me for the bait shop and all.
Bob: Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. I'm a big boy. I can make it on my own. I'm gonna miss you so much. [hugs Red]


 ‘That '70s Finale’ Quotes

Quote from Red

Kelso: Oh, Mr. Forman, can I light this off in your house?
Red: Sure and then I'll light my foot off in your ass.
Hyde: And that, my friends, is the last "foot-in-ass" of the decade. Cheers.
Kitty: Michael, it is so good to see you. The girls in the emergency room were just asking about you.
Kelso: You know, it's like I've been gone for so long, I almost forgot you're a hot mom.
Kitty: Oh! [giggles]
Red: You know what else is hot? My foot when it's in your ass.
Hyde: Look at that. He had one more in him.

Quote from Eric

Hyde: Guys, I think it's time we honor all the brain cells that survived the '70s. Despite our best efforts, some of those bastards pulled through. Tonight, they're going down.
Fez: Die, brain cells, die! And you're next, liver.
Hyde: Hey, did you guys hear about that car that runs on water? It's got a fiberglass air-cooled engine and it runs on water, man!
Kelso: It's like we never run out of things to talk about down here.
[Jackie and Donna stand behind Kelso]
Jackie: I knew you burnouts would be down here.
Donna: You guys, it's almost midnight. Mrs. Forman is pouring the champagne. [circle ends]
Eric: Hey, guys, last one up the stairs has to call Red a dumbass.
[As everyone runs up stairs, Hyde grabs Kelso and knocks him to the floor before running up the stairs]
Kelso: Oh, man.
All: [o.s.] Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!
[The That '70s Show license plate shows with the validation sticker changed to 80]

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Oh, I'm so psyched, man, I got this, like, four-foot bottle rocket and I'm gonna, like, tie it to my arm and light it and just blast into the future!