Donna Quote #255

Quote from Donna in The Girl I Love

Donna: I don't know what's wrong with you. If it's genetic, or if you took a pill from your mother's cabinet. But I'm through doing stuff for you, because you don't appreciate it.
Eric: Whoa, whoa, wait. You're doing stuff for me?
Donna: Yeah! I went to that dinner party to make your mother happy and I went to the arboretum because you wanted to.
Eric: I wanted to? All I said was, "Look, the arboretum."
Donna: Wh- It sounded like you wanted to go. I hate trees! I mean, "Ooh, show me trees!" Does that sound like me?
Eric: No. Look, I'm sorry. [sighs] I just- I thought you were gonna make me do girlie crap for the rest of my life.
Donna: Eric, come on. You know me way better than that.
Eric: Yeah, you're right. So, would you like to go see Laser Floyd next weekend?
Donna: Oh, we can't. I signed us up for this class: "Quilting for Couples." [laughs] I'm kidding! [Eric gasps] It's just for men.


 ‘The Girl I Love’ Quotes

Quote from Red

Red: Kitty? I know this change of life has upset you but we just bought wine the other day. What are you doing, brushing your teeth with the stuff?
Kitty: Red, it's not for me. Well, this one is. We're having a dinner party tomorrow night.
Red: No, can't do it. Battle of the Network Stars is on! See, once a year, they make TV stars compete at things they're not good at. I look forward all season to watching Ed Asner try to paddle a canoe. Makes me feel superior.
Kitty: Well, you shouldn't feel superior, because you know what I know about Ed Asner? Ed Asner would come to my dinner party, 'cause he knows how to treat a woman.
Red: Did you say "dinner party"? [chuckles] See, I thought you- Oh, screw it, I'll be there.

Quote from Fez

Fez: Guys, I really want Nina to like me so please, avoid the following topics: my addiction to candy, the fact that I have needs, and my use of Alberto VO5 Hot Oil Treatment.
Jackie: Wait. Fez, what does she care what you use on your hair?
Fez: Oh, I do not use it on my hair.

Quote from Kitty

Kelso: What's this about a party?
Kitty: Oh, well, we're having a party tomorrow night for Fez and Nina. I invited all the kids.
Kelso: I'm a kid.
Kitty: Well, it's for couples only. You can come if you bring a date.
Kelso: Well, it's too late to find a date. I mean, yeah, I'm sweet looking, but I'm no miracle worker.
Kitty: Well, maybe if you stop jumping from girl to girl, you wouldn't be alone. You're no Frank Sinatra, you know!
Kelso: You know, you used to be nice, but you've changed, lady!