Fez Quote #54

Quote from Fez in First Date

Eric: Anyway, I figure it's time to make it official. I mean, she's just been waiting for any jerk to swoop down on her.
Hyde: And you're that jerk.
Eric: Well, better me than some other jerk.
Fez: Why are you looking at me? Hyde is the other jerk.


 ‘First Date’ Quotes

Quote from Eric

Donna: Thanks for, uh, holding my hair when I was...
Eric: Just thanks for missing my shoes.
Donna: Well, I... I guess I blew our big night.
Eric: Look, it's cool. I thought I was gonna blow it and then, I mean, you totally blew it. So, I mean, that's great.
Donna: You know, by telling me I blew it, you basically just blew it.
Eric: And I was doing so good here with the jacket and the coffee and holding your hair back. I was so in.
Donna: You're still in.
Eric: Look, Donna, I want to be your boyfriend. And you're all I ever think about. Will you wear my class ring?
Donna: Yes.
Eric: Yes? [leans into kiss Donna]
Donna: You know, why don't we kiss on it later?
Eric: Oh, right. The vomit. No, wait. You know what? I don't care. You're my girlfriend. [kisses Donna]

Quote from Kelso

Jackie: I don't believe you, Michael.
Kelso: What?
Jackie: You can't just maul me in front of my father.
Kelso: I bet he didn't even notice.
Jackie: He yelled at you to stop it.
Kelso: Oh. [chuckles] I thought he was talking to you.

Quote from Red

Red: They used to be normal. What the hell happened to them?
Kitty: Well, I don't know. How can she not eat meat? That can't be healthy.
Red: Remember when we used to go on vacation together? Bob and I used to go fishing and drink beers.
Kitty: I mean, we used to have fun with them.
Red: Now they're into every fad there is. Things change, Kitty.
Kitty: Well, we don't.
Red: Oh. We don't have to. We're classic.
[fantasy: Red and Kitty are kissing as they're depicted in a classic cartoon]
Red: [v.o.] You know Midge wasn't wearing a bra tonight.
Kitty: [v.o.] Yeah. Bob wasn't wearing underwear.