Eric Quote #956

Quote from Eric in 2000 Light Years from Home

Eric: Anyway, Donna here is looking for some college scholarships.
Mr. Bray: Well, Donna, you've come to the right place because I am an expert at college scholarships, as well as the affairs of the heart. Why don't you have just a little seat right here, young lady.
Donna: Thank you.
Eric: I guess I'll... [clears throat] [sits on stool] Great.
Mr. Bray: So, Donna, to figure out what scholarships you're eligible for, I'll have to know what you've done for the last year.
Donna: Oh! Um... Well, not a lot. I read comic books, acted out movies with my dolls...
Eric: Action figures. Okay, you always insist that they are called action figures.
Mr. Bray: You know, if Eric had told me he had wasted a whole year of his life, I wouldn't be surprised. But you?
Eric: I know, I'm just as surprised as you are. It has been a long, ugly fall, very hard to watch. In fact, just between you and me, she's even gotten into a little bit of the smoky, smoky.
Donna: All right. Screw this. The scholarship is for him. Eric, good luck. Mr. Bray, my coming here was not an invitation to start driving by my house again.
Mr. Bray: Hey, my mother lives right next door.
Eric: I live right next door.
Mr. Bray: Oh, well. How's Mother?


 ‘2000 Light Years from Home’ Quotes

Quote from Kelso

Kelso: Look, man, tell Donna to just lay off, okay? Africa is gonna be awesome. You know, they have this bug over there that burrows into your brain, and it lays, like, a thousand eggs. And then, when the eggs hatch, they, like, shoot out of your head like little worm bullets.
Eric: Kelso, those worms aren't in Africa. They're on the planet Zorgon, which is from a comic book that you wrote.
Kelso: Just trying to generate a little buzz.

Quote from Jackie

Eric: So, the upshot is I have absolutely no money for college.
Donna: Eric, don't worry, there are plenty of ways to get money for school.
Hyde: Yeah, man, you could always get a football scholarship.
Jackie: Hey, look, he weighs about as much as a football, and people do like to kick him.

Quote from Jackie

Hyde: WB, what the hell were you thinking?
William: I don't know, I thought I'd try a new thing with my shoulders.
Jackie: Look, he means, why did you promote that whore, Angie?
William: You mean my daughter Angie?
Jackie: I stand by my statement. You can't hit a girl.