Hyde Quote #595

Quote from Hyde in 2120 So. Michigan Ave

Hyde: I gotta admit, Forman, it's nice finally seeing you do something with your life. Almost inspires me to make my record store the best damn store in the region. Nah.


 ‘2120 So. Michigan Ave’ Quotes

Quote from Donna

Eric: Man, it's like I finally figured out what I wanna do with my life, and now I might never be able to do it. And, might I add, through no fault of my own.
Donna: Eric, the last time you used the phrase "through no fault of my own" was when you said, "Donna, your cat's dead through no fault of my own." Which I later found out meant, "Donna, I ran over your cat."

Quote from Red

Eric: I don't know why she's so mad.
Red: Well, you'll often find, as you go through life, that when you try to turn your girlfriend into a prostitute, she gets cranky.
Eric: Okay, but, Dad, passing PE is all that's standing between me and the rest of my life.
Red: You're lucky this table is standing between my foot and your ass.

Quote from Kelso

Jackie: Okay, the first event is the talent portion of the competition.
Kelso: Okay. Judges, I present you with a dramatic scene from the major motion picture The Godfather. [screams] "There's an entire horse in my bed. Why would you do this, Godfather. Why?" And then the horse says, "[neighs] Let this be a warning."
Hyde: The horse doesn't talk, Kelso.
Kelso: Oh. I was thinking of Jaws. "Look at my jaw."