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Cat Fight Club

‘Cat Fight Club’

Season 2, Episode 25 - Aired May 15, 2000

Red finds out about Laurie and Kelso's relationship after she invites him to the dinner. Meanwhile, Hyde teaches Jackie how to keep her cool around Laurie.

Quote from Fez

Fez: Oh, I know! We can pour water on them, and then we can see through their shirts!


Quote from Kelso

Laurie: The fact that you actually went into the garage with Red, that's so brave.
Kelso: Yeah. I guess we both had to fight for our love, baby.
Red: [o.s.] I'm coming in the living room now!
Kelso: Oh! [drops Laurie and runs out of the house]
Red: [enters] Well. Hi, there, kitten.
Laurie: Hi, Daddy.

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