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Season 5, Episode 5 - Aired October 24, 2019

Jonah and Cheyenne encourage an over-worked Amy to take a power nap during the day. Meanwhile, Mateo gets a job at the store's Vision Center, and Dina pushes Glenn to take better care of himself.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Fine, Dina. You know what? Here. Is that what you wanted? Hmm? I'll eat your stupid kale.
Dina: You know what, Glenn? I don't care. I'll just go back to waiting for you to die. Congratulations, Rose! Welcome to the Bad Dad club.
Glenn: I am not a bad dad. I am a great dad! [eats kale] There, you happy? Is it all gone?
Dina: Your mouth is entirely full of kale.


Quote from Mateo

Jonah: So Dan the Optometrist, he seems charming?
Mateo: He's a giant weirdo, but the Vision Center's not too busy and the WiFi in that corner is super fast.

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