Glenn Quote #735

Quote from Glenn in Floor Supervisor

Carol: You holding up, okay?
Glenn: Yeah, sure am. I mean, as good as I can be, you know, after the fight with Jerusha.
Carol: Mm-hmm.
Glenn: Yep, she said some bathroom words.
Carol: Oh.
Glenn: She threw a mustard jar at me. It left a bruise... on my thigh. So you can't see it... I mean, unless, you know, we were to go swimming, but it'll be gone by pool season. So, you know, you won't even be able to see it then, but it will have been there in the past, which is now.
Carol: Jerusha. What a bitch.
Glenn: Uh-huh.


 ‘Floor Supervisor’ Quotes

Quote from Cheyenne

Jonah: Cheyenne, did you tell people I was gonna take away their breaks?
Cheyenne: Yeah, Dina told me if I said that to people, they wouldn't vote for you. Plus my friend K-Fai works at Olive Garden... [loudly] And if I'm elected, she's gonna bring us free breadsticks. Oh, and also, I promise to get the best scientists to work really hard on a COVID vaccine.
Jonah: What? Oh, come on, that's... There is no way she can do that. The vaccine thing. The breadsticks part, maybe. I don't know.

Quote from Dina

Jonah: Right, so anyway, I was just gonna say, I have a bunch of great ideas. Like, for instance, what if we gave walkie-talkies to all the zone captains so we don't have to hike all over the store?
Glenn: Oh, that's interesting.
Jonah: Right? Yeah, and to be honest, there are a lot of policies that could be updated or changed altogether.
Dina: Or we could not change any of the carefully thought out policies I've been honing for the past decade. Also, we only have eight walkies, and I need four backups.
Jonah: Right, but we could just buy more walkies.
Dina: [scoffs] Oh, the DX49Ls? They discontinued them seven years ago.
Glenn: Yeah.
Dina: Good luck, buddy. [laughing] This guy. "Can we just order more DX49Ls?" It's like, "Good luck, buddy" "They were discontinued seven years ago."

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: I'm so glad we're repainting your office. Okay, which do you like better: Seawater or Dusty Mint?
Glenn: Oh, um... Well, they're both so different. You know what? Why don't you pick? You know, in fact, maybe I'll start leaning on you to make some executive decisions around here. You know, anything to help out with the old stress.
Mateo: Executive decisions. Yes, I guess I could see myself calling some of the shots around here. Sort of like the Evita to your Juan Perón. Patti LuPone version, obviously, not Madonna.
Glenn: Oh, oh, oh. Uh-huh. So what do you think about the paint?
Mateo: Seawater. Dusty Mint is garbage.
Glenn: Yeah, yeah. I mean, Dusty Mint stinks. Get out of here. You stink. [chuckles]
Mateo: That was Seawater.
Glenn: Oh. Well, tell your friend.