Amy Quote #526

Quote from Amy in Shoplifter Rehab

Jonah: I oversold it, didn't I? I always do that. I should have just said, "It's a good show. Maybe you'll like it."
Amy: It just made me uncomfortable. I already have enough trouble as a working mom. I don't need to feel bad that I'm not also a KGB agent.


 ‘Shoplifter Rehab’ Quotes

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Amy and I combined Spotify accounts last night. It just felt like time, you know?
Garrett: Wow, big step. I'm surprised you weren't worried about ruining your personalized recommendations.
Jonah: Oh, good God.

Quote from Amy

Maya: Also, did you know that your pug-a-day calendar is a week ahead?
Amy: Yeah, I get curious.

Quote from Glenn

Jonah: I get that this doesn't look great, but maybe it's as innocent as it sounds.
Amy: Yeah, sure. She just happened to extend her stay here the day after we turned in the cards, because she didn't wanna go to Quincy. Come on. That store used to be a bank. It has a skylight.
Glenn: Oh, I took Jerusha and Rose there for her birthday.
Jonah: Quincy is a showstopper. Nobody's arguing that. I'm just saying, Maya seems pretty chill. You know, she's not like a typical DM.
Glenn: Actually, sometimes, it's the friendliest DMs who are secretly the harshest. Like, you remember Marty over at Crestwood? One day, he's out playing squash with his DM. The next day, he's fired and the DM marries his daughter.
Amy: Really?
Glenn: Well, the actual wedding wasn't the next day, but it makes a better story.