Mateo Quote #248

Quote from Mateo in Steps Challenge

Woman: Excuse me, do you have any gender-neutral toys? I'm trying to be cool.
Mateo: Oh, definitely. Follow me.
Woman: Oh, wasn't that the toy aisle?
Mateo: Oops! It was. Passed it. Guess we have to go all the way around.


 ‘Steps Challenge’ Quotes

Quote from Dina

Dina: All the best wars are fought against someone.
Amy: That feels random.
Jonah: All wars are fought against someone.
Dina: Yeah, that's what I'm saying.
Jonah: No, I'm saying "all" wars.
Dina: Yeah, all the best wars.
Jonah: What are the best wars?
Dina: 1812, WWI, WWII, French Indy.
Amy: Although, if they started trash talking us first...
Jonah: Okay, what wars are you not fighting against someone?
Dina: War against poverty, war against drugs. Boom. Don't come at me.

Quote from Amy

Jonah: You know what? I'm with Dina. We're underdogs but a lot of the times it's the underdogs that end up winning.
Amy: That's not true. They just make movies about the few underdogs that do. Like, for every Rudy there are 10,000 short guys who just never make the team.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: I've actually been meaning to get a pedometer for my morning runs.
Amy: Wait, you mean when you walk down the street to get an everything bagel?
Jonah: It's at least a quarter mile.