Cheyenne Quote #274

Quote from Cheyenne in Carol's Back

Jonah: Wait, where's Tommy's number?
Cheyenne: Oh, he didn't want to put it on there. He thinks that you're a spy from Gateway Subs, like you're a narc or something.
Jonah: Me? Why?
Cheyenne: Yeah, he's just starting to wonder, 'cause sometimes companies send people in to spy on groups like this, and you showed up right when they were starting to organizing this protest. Plus, you've got that corporate haircut. Honestly, your whole look and vibe is very classic narc.
Jonah: Okay, did you tell him that you know me?
Cheyenne: No, I don't want him to think I'm friends with a narc.


 ‘Carol's Back’ Quotes

Quote from Dina

Dina: I'm just giving it a quick once over to make sure there's nothing with sharp edges or too pointy.
Glenn: Oh, come on, you really think Carol would bring a weapon into the store? I mean, she's been to therapy. She's not dangerous anymore. She's back to being boring.
Dina: Oh, yeah? Then how do you explain this?
Glenn: What are those?
Dina: Well, they're... They're headphones. But she could easily use these to strangle somebody.
Glenn: You think?
Dina: Yeah, I do think. Aha. How about these? Bobby pins, dozens of them. You can hide one in your mouth, then when you're Frenching someone, just slip it in, and boom... Oh, the old poke-and-choke.
Glenn: Oh, no.
Dina: Is this a picture of Janet's son?
Glenn: Oh, my God, Sandra's cat was just the beginning. This is sick.
Dina: [gasps] Oh, my God. Kirkwood Youth Soccer League schedule?
Glenn: She's stalking Janet's kid.
Dina: She even had a Janet driver's license made. What is her endgame here?
Janet: What the hell are you doing in my purse?
Glenn: Oh. Oh, it's... It's her purse.
Dina: Yeah, makes sense.

Quote from Mateo

Mateo: I can't believe I lost my place. Now I'm 613th in line. I'm gonna be stuck in the upper balcony with all the heteros. No offense.
Garrett: Oh, no, none taken. That sounds horrible.

Quote from Marcus

Amy: Okay, can we just stop talking about this? The fact is, Carol has to work somewhere in the store, so she's gonna be in somebody's department.
Marcus: Well, it's obviously not gonna be Sandra. I heard Carol freaked her out so much she crapped her wedding dress.
Glenn: Oh.
Sandra: Oh, um, that didn't happen.
Marcus: You don't have to be embarrassed. It's totally natural. It happens to lots of brides at their wedding.
Janet: That's childbirth.
Sandra: I didn't crap myself. Amy, tell him.
Dina: Sandra, she said she didn't want to talk about what happened that night; the rumor stands.
Sandra: Oh, man.