Glenn Quote #616

Quote from Glenn in Playdate

Glenn: [o.s.] [sings] ♪ The wicked little children went down to the beach ♪ ♪ Learning all the naughty lessons ♪ ♪ The people there do teach ♪ We'll learn about murder ♪ While playing in the sand ♪ And we'll learn about the lying ♪ ♪ While skipping across the land ♪


 ‘Playdate’ Quotes

Quote from Dina

Garrett: Okay, just keep it simple. Take him out to a nice dinner.
Dina: I don't even know what a nice dinner is. Is it a hot soup followed by a cold soup? Is it a place that gives you bread? Is it a place that wants you to bring your own bread?
Garrett: What are you talking about? You've had dinner before.
Dina: Not as a girlfriend!
Garrett: It's very similar!

Quote from Justine

Justine: Oh, my God, he's so cute. My ovaries are exploding. It's like, scrambled eggs, anyone?
Garrett: Oh, gross.
Corey: Disgusting.

Quote from Sandra

Sandra: So I got it.
Cheyenne: What?
Sandra: Jonah's DNA.
Cheyenne: You took that from Jonah?
Sandra: Yeah. And I found one of Parker's pacifiers. So now we just send them to the lab with $200 and then wait for the results.
Cheyenne: Oh. Yeah, you know, I don't wanna do that, no offense. It just crosses so many lines and is, like, super crazy.
Sandra: Oh. Yeah. I hadn't thought about the lines. So, um... Could you, like, not tell Jonah and Amy about this?
Cheyenne: Oh, sorry, but I kind of just think I'm gonna.
Sandra: Of course. Yeah, totally get it.