Glenn Quote #682

Quote from Glenn in Depositions

Jonah: What's inappropriate, Hannah, is you all trying to squeeze out a big payday from this good, kind man.
Glenn: Jonah.
Jonah: No, Glenn, I got this. Look at your ducklings. Sir, could you point to the motherboard on this robot for me?
Stu: No, I can't.
Jonah: No, you can't. Hannah, can you update the sim card on the robot?
Hannah: No.
Jonah: No?! Huh! That's interesting. Because you all have had the exact same amount of training that Cloud 9 gives its floor supervisors.
Glenn: Jonah, I did it.
Jonah: S-sorry?
Glenn: Well, not at first, but I watched hours of online videos and eventually, I figured it out. That's what I was just showing them. I kept records of everything. Every update, every new hardware install. It's all right here in my calendar. I did everything that corporate asked me to do. So I don't know what happened with Carol, but it is not on me. Anyway, if there are no further questions, I have been nervously holding my pee for six hours, so I really need to get to a men's room. Oh, and Jonah, I don't think I'll be needing your help with that either.


 ‘Depositions’ Quotes

Quote from Cheyenne

Cheyenne: Hey, Dina, Brett wants to go home because of his sciatica? Is that a real thing, or is it like when Isaac needed Friday off for an appointment with his Mandalorian?

Quote from Cheyenne

Cheyenne: In tenth grade, I was caught between Bo and this guy Darius that he used to freestyle rap with.
Dina: What did you do?
Cheyenne: I told Bo how I felt, and then he took a poo in the backseat of Darius's mom's station wagon.
Dina: Cheyenne, I had such high hopes, and have truly no idea what to take from that story.
Cheyenne: I'm just saying that you should tell Garrett how you feel because maybe he feels the same way. And if he's not willing to take a crap in the backseat of Brian's car, then.... pfft, there's no decision to make.

Quote from Carol

Jonah: Oh, hey, there's Carol, everybody.
Marcus: Hey, Carol, can you talk to your lawyer? Jonah screwed up royally, and now she's going after Glenn.
Carol: Oh, no, I hate to hear that. But gotta let the lawyers do their job, right? [inhales] Now, what should I name my boat? I'm leaning toward "Wet Ride," but I'm open to other ideas.