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Season 1, Episode 11 - Aired February 22, 2016

After Cheyenne almost goes into labor in the store, Jonah tries to petition head office for maternity leave, leading a corporate union buster to visit the store.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: How did I not know your last name is Dubanowski?


Quote from Jonah

Steve: Hello, 1217. My name is Steve. Does anyone here know who I am?
Mateo: I know. A union buster.
Steve: Good one. I'm gonna remember that one. Funny. No, I am a labor relations consultant. Cloud 9 isn't anti-union. Unions are great for people whose companies don't listen to them. But whatever your concerns are, you can always bring them right to corporate any time.
Jonah: Oh, great. Some of us did have some concerns that I wanted to ask you about.
Steve: And I want to hear about them. But first, we're gonna have some fun. Yeah? Has everyone gotten some coffee and a doughnut hole?

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Hey, man. Just want to let you know, I know names besides Steve.
Steve: Of course you do.
Glenn: There's Glenn, and there's, um...
Garrett: [mouths] Steve.
Glenn: Steve. Thanks for your time.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: So a couple of us were talking about the possibility of paid maternity leave for the employees?
Steve: You know, Cloud 9 is devoted to supporting the welfare and values of all of its workers. Okay? Thanks.
Jonah: Uh, could you be a little more specific?
Steve: I love this.
Jonah: Great.
Steve: We love this kind of passion and integrity that adds to all the colors of the cloud.
Jonah: Great, but you're not actually saying anything.
Steve: That's because I'm truly listening. You know what I just realized? We have enough doughnut holes for all of you to have one more each! Right? Dig in, everyone. Line up.
Jonah: Guys, they've been there for hours.

Quote from Garrett

Jonah: That meeting was such a joke. They're not going to do anything for Cheyenne. They don't care.
Garrett: You're just realizing that now. This company, that wouldn't even spring for full doughnuts, just doughnut holes?

Quote from Garrett

Jonah: No, no. We should be speaking up about this. It's like we don't have any leverage. You know, maybe we should form a union. [all groan] Okay, calm down.
Garrett: Dude, you can't get everybody here to agree to join a union. We couldn't even agree on a theme for our summer barbecue. Ended up being "1980s Arabian Nights Under The Sea Harry Potter."

Quote from Amy

Amy: I'm sorry, were you not at that extremely long and early meeting this morning?
Jonah: Yeah, I was, and all it did was confirm that nothing is gonna change around here unless we change it. If you want to help Cheyenne, this is the way to do it.
Amy: No, this is stupid.
Jonah: It's worth a shot.
Amy: No. That's what you said about calling corporate in the first place. Not everything is worth a shot.
Jonah: I'm sorry. I'm not the kind of person who just stands by doing nothing while people around me need help.
Amy: Oh. Okay. Yeah, I get it. You have an image of your head of leading all the workers out in some dramatic walkout, and you're gonna bring down the man. But let me tell you something. Real people's jobs are at stake.
Jonah: I am so sick and tired of being painted as the stupid idealist while you get to be the smart, pragmatic one.
Amy: I'm not saying you're stupid. I'm saying you don't know how the real world works.
Jonah: There's a difference between not knowing how the real world works and not having the guts to do something about it.

Quote from Cheyenne

Amy: Oh, Cheyenne, she's awesome.
Glenn: Harmonica.
Cheyenne: Oh, could you not baptize my baby?
Glenn: Oh, I'm sorry. Force of habit.

Quote from Glenn

Amy: They can't just fire you. You've given your whole life to this place.
Glenn: Don't worry, I'll still be in the store all the time. Just as a customer. I'll say stuff like, "Hey, can you tell me where the dental floss is?" Well, probably not, 'cause I already know where it is. Unless you decide to move it.
Amy: What? What are you talking about?
Glenn: They asked me if I wanted to make a suggestion for my replacement, and nobody knows this store better than you.
Amy: Um, no. I'm not doing it.
Glenn: Then they'll just get someone else.
Amy: I don't care, Glenn. I'm not taking your job.
Glenn: Amy, wait! Someone is going to be in that chair tomorrow. And that person has to take care of everyone in this store. I'd rather that person be you than some stranger. Amy, you're a leader, and the people here need a leader. Can you do that?
Amy: Yeah. I can do it.

Quote from Amy

Amy: Jonah.
Jonah: Ah, ah, ah. You think I'm doing it wrong, but if we stack them five wide and low, they're less prone to toppling. What's wrong?
Amy: They fired Glenn.
Jonah: What?
Amy: Yeah, so, um... About that walkout.

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