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Delivery Day

‘Delivery Day’

Season 4, Episode 5 - Aired November 1, 2018

Amy goes into labor the same day Dina is set to go to the hospital to have Glenn and Jerusha's baby. Back at the store, Garrett struggles to think up a funny thing to write in the congratulations cards.

Quote from Glenn

Glenn: Jerusha. I can see its little arms. It's so beautiful.
Dr. Sidian: Nope, these are just the intestines.
Glenn: Oh.
Jerusha: Glenn, are you okay?
Glenn: Uh-huh. [gulp] I- I didn't throw up.


Quote from Glenn

Jerusha: I love you more than pot pies and Christmas and even little baby Jesus. Don't tell anybody. [both chuckle]
Glenn: Dina, we can't thank you enough for giving us such an amazing gift.
Dina: I didn't get you a gift. Oh, you mean the baby. Yeah, you paid me for that, so we're good.
Jerusha: Yeah.
Dina: Um... would it be okay if I had a moment alone with her?
Glenn: Oh, yeah, of course.
Dina: Oh, no thank you. You can put it in its bin.
Glenn: You take all the time you need. [both walk away]
Jerusha: She's not gonna kidnap her, right?
Glenn: No, I locked all the windows.

Quote from Jonah

Jonah: Oh, wow. Uh, look at the time. I- I completely lost track. I got a meeting party. I got a party meeting. So, let you guys have some time.

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: Here's your [bleep] card.
Mateo: He's had a big day. But congratulations.
Garrett: [o.s.] Let's go!

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