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The Parking Garage

‘The Parking Garage’

Season 3, Episode 6 - Aired October 30, 1991

Jerry, George, Elaine and Kramer get lost in a parking garage.

Quote from Elaine

Elaine: [desperately to two male body builders] Please, we can't find our car. Please drive us around the parking lot to find our car. My fish are dying.
Man: Sorry, can't do it.
Elaine: I can see not caring what happens to us, we're human. But what about the fish? The fish?
Man: Sorry.
Elaine: That's right, go. Go home to your dumbbells. Go work on your pecs and your lats. We're all really impressed. [they look back at her] Yeah, that's right you heard me. You got a problem with that?
George: Elaine, shut-up.


Quote from George

Jerry: Hey, George, there she is again. ...
George: What are you doing? You're killing me.
Jerry: Ask her to drive us around. There's your opening.
George: That is an opening. [walks over to the woman] Excuse me... I really... See, what happened is that my friend forgot where he parked and if you're not in a big hurry, we'd really appreciate it if...
Woman: Oh sure, I'll drive you around.
George: You will?
Woman: Sure.
George: Thank you. Thank you. See, we're really late and my parents are waiting in front of my building and we're stuck here.
Woman: Well, I wouldn't want to get lost in here. It smells like a toilet. People are such animals.
George: You're telling me.
Jerry: Filthy pigs.

Quote from George

Michele: Get out!
[George, Jerry and Elaine quickly get out of Michele's car]
George: I didn't mean anything by it. I don't even know L. Ron Hubbard! I didn't know you were with that group.
Elaine: What about my fish?
Jerry: Boy, those Scientologists. They can be pretty sensitive.
Elaine: I'll say.

Quote from George

Elaine: What is it? The car!
Jerry: The car!
George: The car!
Elaine: We found it. I can't believe it!
George: Kramer. Kramer's not here. I knew it. I knew it! I knew this would happen. [shouts] Kramer! Kramer!
Elaine: Kramer!

Quote from George

Kramer: Boy, I had a helluva time finding that air-conditioner. I looked everywhere. I completely forgot where I hid it. You know where it was?
George: Purple 23.
Kramer: Right, Purple 23. I could have used you.
George: Sometimes it's good to write those things down.

Quote from Kramer

Kramer: What time does that play start?
George: Eight o'clock.
Kramer: Well, that could be a problem. [to Elaine] Where's your little bag of... [Jerry signals for Kramer not to go there] Oh.
[When they all finally get in the car, Kramer struggles to get the engine to start]

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