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The Burning

‘The Burning’

Season 9, Episode 16 - Aired March 19, 1998

Elaine is surprised to learn David Puddy is religious. Kramer and Mickey (Danny Woodburn) act out illnesses at a teaching hospital. George decides to start leaving conversations on a high note. Meanwhile, Jerry is confused by his new girlfriend saying "It's me" on the phone.

Quote from George

Elaine: Well, I'm going to hell.
Jerry: That seems about right.
Elaine: According to Puddy.
Jerry: Hey, have you heard the one about the guy in hell with the coffee and the doughnuts and--
Elaine: I'm not in the mood.
George: [to a passing waitress] I'll have some coffee and a doughnut.


Quote from Jerry

Jerry: What do you care? You don't believe in hell.
Elaine: I know, but he does.
Jerry: So it's more of a relationship problem than the final destination of your soul.
Elaine: Well, relationships are very important to me.
Jerry: Maybe you can strike one up with the Prince of Darkness as you burn for all eternity.
George: [to the waitress] And a slice of devil's food cake.

Quote from George

George: Hey. Where is everyone?
Kruger: They're all off the project. They were boring. George, you are my main man.
George: I am?
Kruger: I don't know what it is, I can't put my finger on it, but lately you have just seemed 'on'. And you always leave me wanting more.
George: This is a huge project involving lots of numbers and papers and folders.
Kruger: Ah, I'm not too worried about it. Let's get started.
George: Okay.
Kruger: George? Check it out. [spins around] Three times around, no feet. All me. All me.

Quote from Jerry

Sophie: I move my knight... here. Check.
Jerry: They should update these pieces, nobody rides horses anymore. Maybe they should change it to a tractor.
Sophie: Jerry, are you embarrassed that you're losing?
Jerry: Losing? You know, yesterday I lost control of my car, almost bought the farm.
Sophie: Bought the farm?
Jerry: Tractor!
Sophie: This is an odd side of you, Jerry. I feel uncomfortable.
Jerry: Wait, don't go. Let's thumb wrestle.
[Jerry watches as Sophie drops her purse and bends down to pick it up]

Quote from George

George: A scar?
Jerry: A big long scar where her leg would dangle when she's riding a...?
George: A tractor.
Jerry: I'm sure she's a little self-conscious and doesn't like to talk about it.
George: I don't see why's she more self-conscious about that than her toe thumbs.
Jerry: She doesn't have toe thumbs.
George: Well, if she keeps horsing around with that tractor.

Quote from George

Jerry: So how's the two-man operation at Kruger?
George: Two-man? It's all me. Kruger doesn't do anything; Disappears for hours at a time, gives me fake excuses. This afternoon, I found him with sleep creases on his face. The only reason I got out to get a bite today was that he finally promised to buckle down and do some actual work. [turns around and sees Kramer at a table] Oh, I don't believe this. This is what I have to put up with, Jerry. [walks over] Mr. Kruger? Who said he was going to do some actual work today? Who?
Kruger: I'm not too worried about it.
George: Well, I am. Couldn't you try to go through some of that stuff I put in your shoebox?
Mr. Kruger: All right, all right I'm going.
George: Huh-ho! Have you ever seen anything like this?
Jerry: Never.

Quote from Jerry

Mickey: You gave me gonorrhea and you didn't even tell me!
Kramer: Well, I'm sorry. I gave you gonorrhea because I thought you'd have fun with it.
Jerry: Hey, hey! I'm with someone.
Kramer: Oh. Hello.
Sophie: No, I understand. This could be a tough thing to deal with. The important thing is that you have a partner who's supportive.
Kramer: You know? She's right.
Sophie: Unfortunately, I didn't have a partner. I got gonorrhea from a tractor.
Jerry: You got gonorrhea from a tractor? And you call that your tractor story?
Kramer: You can't get it from that.
Sophie: But I did. My boyfriend said I got gonorrhea from riding the tractor in my bathing suit.
Jerry: [walking out] All right, that's it for me. You've been great. Goodnight everybody.

Quote from George

George: Would you mind helping me out with some of this stuff?!
Kruger: You seem like you've got a pretty good handle on it.
George: No, I don't! Don't you even care? This is your company. It's your name on the outside of the building. Speaking of which, the 'R' fell off and all it says now is K-uger!
Kruger: K-uger, that sounds like one of those old-time car horns, huh? K-uger! K-uger!
George: [chuckles] Oh, you are too much, Mr. Kruger! Too much!
Mr. Kruger: [gets up to leave] Thank you George, you've been great. That's it for me.
George: Oh no, you're not going out on a high note with me Mr. Kruger!
Kruger: It's K-uger!
George: No! No!
Kruger: Goodnight everybody!

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