J.D. Quote #308

Quote from J.D. in My Lucky Day

J.D.: Look, Elliot, my dad's an office supplies salesman, a bad one. So things were a little different for me growing up.
Sam Dorian: See, this is a bicycle bell. Now, you hold onto this, because I'm gonna give you a different part every year. Maybe after the party we can take it out for a spin.
Young J.D.: Great.
J.D.: Still waiting on that kickstand.


 ‘My Lucky Day’ Quotes

Quote from Dr. Kelso

Elliot: Dr. Kelso, why does everything keep happening to me?
Dr. Kelso: Take a breath, Dr. Reid. In and out. That's it, that's it. Now, you went to four years of college and four years of medical school, so I can safely presume that you are at least eight. My God, little girl, grow up and say how-do to the world of modern medicine. My God, I've been sued four times.
Ted: [whispers] Ten times.

Quote from Nurse Roberts

J.D.: Thanks for starting the Solumedrol on my TTP patient. I'm sorry I'm being such a pain about this guy. It's just Dr. Cox and I have this little competition going. And I know that probably seems insensitive to you-
Nurse Roberts: Sweetheart, you don't have to explain yourself to me. But you better get your story straight when you come face-to-face with Jesus.

Quote from Dr. Cox

J.D.: [v.o.] As I sat there, still searching for answers about my patient, I realized that I still needed Dr. Cox. It's hard to face a harsh truth about yourself. The only thing you can do is try to take positive steps. Unfortunately, it's hard to take positive steps when you've burned the bridge you need to walk across.
Dr. Cox: It was luck.
J.D.: What?
Dr. Cox: The thing that you forgot. Turns out, whatever you know about medicine, ultimately luck or fate or God or who knows what is always gonna end up playing a much bigger role in the whole thing than you and I ever will. Hell, it was lucky you were watching that show the other night, and it was unlucky that your patient went the other way, even though you did everything right. And for the record, you did. I was looking over your shoulder every step of the way.
J.D.: Thanks.
Dr. Cox: It wasn't a favor, Newbie. It was my job.