Janitor Quote #26

Quote from Janitor in My Own Personal Jesus

J.D.: Ooh, candy!
[After J.D. pulls a candy cane off the Christmas tree, the whole tree falls down]
J.D.: I was jut- I was trying to-
Janitor: Oh, I know exactly what you're trying to do, but you're not gonna break my Christmas spirit. You can't. Not ever. I'm the Holly Jolly Janitor. Hi, little girl. What do you want for Christmas? [she hits him in the nuts]


 ‘My Own Personal Jesus’ Quotes

Quote from Jordan

Dr. Cox: I'm assuming, since you already went ahead and took everything else, that you're here for my self-respect, but there's bad news on that one, sweet-cheeks. I already gave it to your mom when she begged me to marry you. [laughs]
Jordan: Oh, I wouldn't have room for it, what with your testicles in my trophy case.
Dr. Cox: Holy cow. Who's better? You got me by the short hairs.
Jordan: See ya.

Quote from Janitor

J.D.: [v.o.] Still, there are some traditions I enjoy. Like Nurse Tisdale's 9.15 cup of coffee.
[fantasy: Nurse Tisdale walking towards J.D. in a bikini]
Elliot: Carla, what time is it?
Carla: Oh, I don't know but I'm guessing it's about 9.15 ish.
J.D.: Oh, this thing! Who put this up?
Janitor: I did. I drove round the whole city before my 5am shift, just looking for that. Trying to add a little cheer. [laughs] You will not ruin my Christmas. Not again. Not this year.
J.D.: I've only worked here for three months.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] Childbirth has been so romanticised. I guess because if people knew the truth...
[fantasy: a public information video from the '50s:]
Narrator: [v.o.] Congratulations! You're expecting. Don't worry, your doctor will tell you everything you need to know. Hi, doctor.
J.D.: You'll fart, pee, puke and poop in front of ten complete strangers who'll be staring intently at your vagina, which, by the way, has an 80% chance of tearing.
Woman: You do it.
J.D.: [v.o.] Still, no matter what the realities, the end result is always the same.
J.D.: Oh, look at the baby.
Male Doctor: [with narrator's voice] It's a bouncing baby boy. Yet another soldier in the fight against Communism!