Janitor Quote #491
Quote from Janitor in My Soul on Fire: Part 2
Janitor: [recording] Here's the incredibly breathtaking view of Hope Town, and... Well, what do you know? It's J.D. What's he doing here? Well, he made me change my wedding plans. And as punishment, he's got to spend ten minutes on top of this lighthouse.
J.D.: That's all I gotta do?
Janitor: That's it, my friend.
J.D.: Then how come I got this fish taped to my hands? Seagulls!
Scrubs Quotes
‘My Soul on Fire: Part 2’ Quotes
Quote from Turk
J.D.: What's up, Blaquaman?
Turk: I think I just saw a mermaid.
J.D.: Maybe you just spooked it. Oh, cute looking eel.
Turk: No, I'm naked.
J.D.: Alright, that's you.
Turk: I was supposed to meet Carla out here for a little "surf and Turk". Took off my swim trunks. These bad boys just floated away.
J.D.: Elliot's mad at me because I didn't say "I love you" right. You know what? That eel is looking at me funny, I'm gonna switch over here.
Turk: Yeah, he's got a mind of his own.
Quote from Doug
Janitor: If I'm gonna have a ceremony, I just need a little help. Go sunscreen up again and call an emergency meeting of the Brain Trust. Island style. Where's Todd?
Ted: Last time I saw him, he was stuffing seaweed into his bathing suit.
Janitor: Sure. Where's Doug?
Ted: Oh, no! I forgot to give him his invite.
[meanwhile, back at the hospital:]
Doug: He's getting married and he didn't invite any of us? Oh come on! And carrying around your invitation is just stupid! You look stupid!
Quote from Janitor
Janitor: Alright. Welcome to the 2nd international meeting of the Brain Trust. I'll begin this as I began the meeting six years ago in Guatemala. I'm getting married tomorrow. And I need help. Ted, you're in charge of location and music. Todd, you are in charge of locating a Justice of the Peace and finding a sea turtle to serve as a ring bearer. Any questions?
Todd: [rubs celery stick on Ted's nose and eats it] Yeah. Who is this dude?
Janitor: That is Ira. As per our bylaws, the Brain Trust must always have a fourth. Plus he can speak to dolphins. Or so he says.
Ira: Drink. Drink.
Janitor: The man's a born leader.
Ira: Drink!
Janitor: You know what? Let's-
Ira: Drink, damn it!