Janitor Quote #267

Quote from Janitor in My Own Personal Hell

Janitor: [over watch] Hey, J.D. This is that black surgeon that you always hang out with. Come on outside to the ramp, dawg.


 ‘My Own Personal Hell’ Quotes

Quote from Jordan

Elliot: As a woman, have you ever noticed how self-esteem issues just creep up on you?
Carla: I have sausage fingers.
Jordan: Do you remember when I pulled strings with the board and got Perry that promotion? Yeah. People started talking and Perry ended up totally emasculated. So it worked out great for me.

Quote from J.D.

J.D.: [v.o.] People were starting to talk about Elliot and Keith. But I decided to stay above the fray. Then I changed my mind.
J.D.: Can you believe those two?
Nurse Roberts: No, I can't. All that carrying on in public.
Nurse: It's way too much.
J.D.: It's just too much. Sorry. I switched places so I could go again.

Quote from Dr. Cox

Mrs. Cooke: Bob, just a note about the tapioca. I'm much more partial to flan.
Dr. Kelso: You're a flan fan. It's fun to say, more fun to eat. Anyway, anything that you need, you just ask Dr.
Cox. Perry, Bonnie here is an old friend.
Dr. Cox: Can't say I'm shocked.
Dr. Kelso: Take care of her.
Dr. Cox: You can count on me, Bobbo! Here's the lowdown. In three hours, my shift ends, at which point I will be leaving you and meeting with my ex-wife for a celebratory "best doctor in the city" date which is guaranteed to end in crazy hotel sex. I'm thinking six-inch heels, a leather mask, fishnet stockings. Who knows? She may even get dressed up. The good news for you, though, is that you have a case of hypercalcemia. Any trained monkey can treat it. Let's see who that monkey's gonna be.
Rex: Ooh! Banana.
Dr. Cox: Rex it is. Have a great night. You're in very capable nine-fingered hands.