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The Candidate

‘The Candidate’

Season 2, Episode 7 - Aired February 16, 2016

After a rumour spreads that Moira is running for town council, Johnny considers throwing his hat into the ring. Meanwhile, Alexis struggles being alone, while David joins Stevie at a bar.

Quote from Bob

Johnny: I'm talking about me. See, I've worked on a number of campaigns, and I was president of the Video Retailers Association.
Bob: Sure, and, uh, it might be a nice change of pace from banging your head against the wall here every day.
Johnny: Well, I'm not banging my head against the wall, but if I were to run, I'd need support from people like you.
Bob: Boy uh, so if you got this, that would mean we'd work together here at the garage, and on council? If I didn't know any better, I might think you had a crush on me!
Johnny: Well, that's- That's funny.
Bob: I'm only teasing.
Johnny: Yeah, I know, I know.
Bob: I don't mean to embarrass you.
Johnny: I'm not embarrassed!
Bob: You have no reason to be embarrassed. You're a happily married man.
Johnny: Oh my.
Bob: And so am I!


Quote from Alexis

Twyla: You know, when I broke up with Mutt, I just took a lot of alone time to rebuild, and regroup, and I just, I think it's so important.
Alexis: Yeah, and I'm doing the same kind of thing right now. 'Cause it's so important.
Twyla: All right, good. Because you know what they say, if you can't be by yourself, then you probably shouldn't be in a relationship.
Alexis: Mmm-hmm. I totally get that. But call me if you happen to get off work early. Twy? Call me if you get off work early!

Quote from Roland

Roland: Sorry, Johnny. I just had to reschedule my colonoscopy.

Quote from Roland

Johnny: Could I get a form, Roland? Please?
Roland: You know what? I'll do you one better, I'll give you the form, und your first signature.
Johnny: Oh, wow.
Roland: There you go. How 'bout that?
Johnny: Thank you.
Roland: You're very welcome.
Johnny: You signed under "Date."
Roland: Yeah, like that's going to make a difference.

Quote from David

David: Where are you going?
Stevie: None of your business!
David: Are you seeing someone?
Stevie: Not exactly.
David: Okay, you're sounding very sketchy right now.
Stevie: I'm going to a bar to meet someone.
David: Who?!
Stevie: I don't know yet.
David: Oh. So she's going to a bar to get laid, then. I see.

Quote from Stevie

Stevie: Uh no, she is going to a bar to have her needs met by some lovely gentleman she's yet to meet, who is cute enough to sleep with, but not nearly mature or stable enough to marry.
David: I want that.
Stevie: Well, you can't come. 'Cause everyone will think we're together.
David: Okay, I think you're giving yourself a lot of credit.
Stevie: I was being generous.
David: No, we're gonna be each other's wing people tonight. Uh, now, how diverse is the clientele at this local drinkery?
Stevie: I would say very diverse.
David: I can't remember what life was like before dating apps. I'm both excited and terrified for tonight.
Stevie: I don't think I ever said you could come.

Quote from Moira

Johnny: You know, it's, uh, it's a funny thing, there seems to be a rumour going around about me.
Moira: I heard that one, it's only because you converse with women easily, and you dress so well. I wouldn't give it another thought.
Johnny: What?

Quote from Moira

Moira: Well, there's no question about it. You'd be a godsend to council.
Johnny: Well, thank you sweetheart, I agree.
Moira: But they'll never know about it, because you have much bigger plans. Yes, I know, well I see you go into the office every day, pistons firing, you are full of ideas, and you haven't told me what they are yet, but I have every confidence that they are brilliant.

Quote from Alexis

Alexis: So, Stevie you're a strong woman who's alone a lot. Like, I know you dated David, but everyone's allowed a mistake, am I right?
Stevie: You sound like my conscience.

Quote from Moira

Twyla: Yeah, a real election race could be fun.
Jocelyn: Absolutely, I mean, I wouldn't want anyone to think that I was just stepping into this, you know, because of Roland. Yeah, I mean, if any of you townies wanna put your name on the ballot, I think that's just a great idea.
Moira: That's the spirit. If Jocelyn can do it, anyone can.
Jocelyn: Yeah. Yeah.

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