David Quote #264

Quote from David in Friends & Family

David: Um, is that your juice?
Patrick: Ah, no. Technically, I think it's our juice, ah, because you just took it from the fridge and didn't pay for it so Mm-hm.
David: Um, it's just that I don't normally share beverages with people.
Patrick: Really? That is shocking news.
David: Yeah. Yeah. Fortunately, um, you look like you have a clean mouth, so...
Patrick: Sorry. A clean mouth?
David: Yeah. Some people have nice, clean mouths, and some people have sloppy mouths.
Patrick: I see.


Features in the collection: David & Patrick Quotes.

‘David & Patrick Quotes’

Quote from Patrick in The Hike

David: What's going on?
Patrick: So I used to come on this hike a lot, when I first moved here, and I was, uh, I was developing feelings for this guy I had just gotten into business with. And I didn't know what to do about it because I didn't know if that guy had the same feelings. Or if I'd ever be able to muster up the courage to let him know how I felt. And now, here he is. The love of my life, standing in front of me. [David sobs] And this just felt like the perfect place to ask you to marry me.
David: [sobs] Wha- Are you sure?
Patrick: Easiest decision of my life.
David: [laughs; Patrick and David kiss] Are these 24-karat? It's a yes, it's a yes! I love you.

Quote from Moira in Happy Ending

Moira: [sniffles] Good... [voice breaks] Good evening, everyone, welcome to the marriage of Patrick Brewer and David... [voice breaks] David Rose. We are gathered here today to celebrate the love between two people, whose lives were ostensibly brought together by the fated flap of a butterfly wing. It is all but impossible to explain why things happen the way they do. Our lives are like little bébé crows, carried upon a curious wind. And all we can wish, for our families, for those we love, is that that wind will eventually places us on solid ground. And I believe it's done just that for my family here. In this little town. In the middle of nowhere.

 ‘Friends & Family’ Quotes

Quote from David

David: I was thinking what if we did like a soft launch. Um, and you know, just test the store out on a small group of people. Did like an exclusive VIP guest list, and offered, you know, a friends and family discount as incentive.
Patrick: Huh, now it's sounding like you don't think people will show.
David: No, I do. I do think, um, that people will come. It's just, you know, I look to like Gwyneth who soft-launched the goop newsletter and now it's a thriving lifestyle publication slash empire, and...
Patrick: I have no idea what you're talking about, but it's up to you.

Quote from David

Jocelyn: Um, David, I need to ask ya a little question about this baggy of Joshua tree tea?
David: Sure.
Jocelyn: Is it drugs?
David: Uh, no. It's loose leaf tea.
Jocelyn: Okay. Because it smells exactly like...
Roland: Oh, come on. Oh, wow. Geez, I didn't realize this place was a front.
David: It's not a front. That is a tea that Mr. Hockley makes out of a greenhouse on his farm. And now that I've said it out loud, I might have to double check.

Quote from Moira

Moira: Wow.
Johnny: David did all this?
Moira: I can't believe it. He's managed to create, in this town, something truly winsome. I would shop here, John. Even without a nagging sense of obligation.