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Moira Rosé

‘Moira Rosé’

Season 6, Episode 7 - Aired February 18, 2020

Moira and David spend the day sampling Herb Ertlinger's fruit wines to develop a product bearing her name. Alexis takes Stevie, Jocelyn, Twlya and Ronnie to a fitness class that she's promoting. Meanwhile, Johnny wants to have a talk with Patrick.

Quote from Ronnie

Twyla: Oh yeah, I feel amazing. Does anyone wanna sign up with me? I'm happy to share a tent!
Jocelyn: If babies are allowed, I am in.
Ronnie: Consider me a convert. I'm gonna go grab a couple of those Elevation Hydration bottles.


Quote from Alexis

Alexis: Yeah. Um, hey! Citrus?
Citrus: Yeah?
Alexis: Well, first of all, so great to finally experience what we're marketing.
Citrus: Well, I'm glad you enjoyed it, Alexis.
Alexis: [chuckles] Although, from a marketing perspective, I think it'd be really helpful to just like... clarify some of the language that we're using.
Citrus: Okay. Like what?
Alexis: Well, first of all, I noticed that you referred to, um, like "demons" a lot.
Citrus: Well, we all have demons!
Alexis: Yes, and I get that. Carbs. Am I right? [both laugh]
Citrus: Right. But I'm also talking about actual demons.
Alexis: Yes... Okay. I guess I'm just asking for the people signing up right now, um, is the gateway like a symbol for something or is it like an actual gateway?
Citrus: Oh! It's, it's a symbol.
Alexis: Okay, good. [both laugh]
Citrus: But it's also a literal gateway into the sky.
Alexis: Gotcha.
Citrus: I hope that cleared everything up.
Alexis: Totally.

Quote from David

Herb Ertlinger: I took the liberty of calling your husband, Moira, because somebody has to drive you two home and it's certainly not going to be me.
Both: [gasp]
Moira: Our designated grapes!
Johnny: Well, I see the sampling went well.
Both: Okay.
David: We couldn't find a wine.
Patrick: Well, it sorta smells like you... found all the wine.
David: What?
Patrick: Yeah...

Quote from Johnny

Johnny: Mr. Ertlinger, I hope this doesn't stand in the way of... our doing business.
Herb Ertlinger: Your wife has ensured that that won't be happening. Between the two of them they could not find a single wine they were willing to put Moira's name on.
David: I said radish!
Herb Ertlinger: We... [swallows anger] Could you please escort your family out of here? I am very late for a dinner!
Johnny: I am offering a major apology if that'll help. [awkward silence] Okay. I take it keys are in your purse, Moira?

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