April Quote #304

Quote from April in New Beginnings

April: No cell phone usage on City Hall property? That's not fair, my cell phone is how I avoid doing work.


 ‘New Beginnings’ Quotes

Quote from Andy

Ben: Look, guys, I'm sorry about all the new rules, But, you know, I want you to like me. But I also really need you to respect me.
Andy: I respect you, little buddy. Come here. Mm, respect noogie.
Ben: Ah!
Donna: We didn't prank you 'cause we don't respect you. We did it 'cause we love you.
Andy: [sings] R-e-s-p-e-g-c
Ben: Well, that's actually not how respect is spelled.
April: Yes.
Andy: According to Urethra Franklin, that's exactly how it's spelled.

Quote from Ron Swanson

Leslie Knope: Great news, guys. I just saved your bacon.
Ron Swanson: Impossible. You don't even know where it is.

Quote from Tom

Leslie Knope: I know you were excited to get in front of the committee and rip it, but in the spirit of teamwork, I unilaterally decided to bring Stu out of retirement. So pressure's off.
Tom: What? I spent a lot of time on this.
Leslie Knope: Doin' what, putting mousse in your hair?
Tom: It's a gel-based serum. Second of all, who uses mousse still? Oh, God. Leslie. Let's put our differences aside for a second. Friend to friend, do you still use mousse?
Leslie Knope: No, I use the juicy space thing. Whatever you do.