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Greg Pikitis

‘Greg Pikitis’

Season 2, Episode 7 - Aired October 29, 2009

On Halloween, Leslie is determined to stop a teenage miscreant from vandalizing a local statue. Meanwhile, Ann invites the Parks Department staff to her Halloween party.

Quote from Mark

Mark: Uh, it's city planning. It's mostly like regulating things and just making sure people obey the city code.
Diane: You wanna get out of here? Go back to my place?
Mark: What? No. I'm dating Ann.
Diane: Good. That was a test. You passed. Let's celebrate you passing the test, over a drink, at my place.
Mark: No. Still no.
Diane: You passed the second test. But we're still watching you. [exits]
Paula: So, you wanna get out of here, go back to my place?


Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: I've got the entire Parks Department watching you, my boyfriend's a cop, so don't even try it.
Greg: I don't know what you're talking about.
Leslie Knope: Oh, I think you do. It ends today, Pikitis. It ends. Today. [walks away]
Greg: Thanks for stopping by, Leslie. You look great.
Leslie Knope: Thank you. Ends today.

Quote from Ann

Ann: Oh, one more thing, the people in this room now are the people I invited, plus Leslie and Donna, so, don't tell anybody.
April: Who's not invited, then?
Tom: [enters] Hey! What's going on, cupcake? Excited about the party tonight.
Ann: Oh! Oh, you're coming? Um, I was just about to tell you.
Tom: Jerry already told me. Can't wait to see how tiny your costume is. What time does it start?
Ann: 7:00.
Tom: Perfect.
Ann: Yeah, it's perfect.

Quote from Ann

Leslie Knope: Check this out. These are all the possible routes from Greg Pikitis' house to the statue.
Ann: That looks like something you would find on the wall of a serial killer.
Leslie Knope: In a way, that's a compliment. Shows dedication.

Quote from Andy

Andy: [aside to camera] A week ago I had nothing. Now, I have a part-time job. I'm gonna make $32 tonight. I owe Leslie everything I have. Which, after tonight, will be $39.

Quote from Ron Swanson

Ron Swanson: Hello, Ann.
Ann: Hey!
Ron Swanson: Am I early?
Ann: Nope, you are right on time.
Ron Swanson: I like your costume.
Ann: Oh, thanks. Raggedy Ann. It was one of my favorite books when I was a kid. Hmm.
Ron Swanson: I'm a pirate.
Ann: Right.

Quote from Ann

Ann: Um, this is Ron Swanson, from the Parks Department. I know him from that thing that I'm doing. This is Dr. Harris.
Ron Swanson: You're a doctor.
Dr. Harris: Yup.
Ron Swanson: I meant your costume.
Dr. Harris: I got it.
[aside to camera:]
Ann: Worlds colliding, always awkward.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: 8:22 p.m. Suspect still with friends in parking lot. He looks obnoxious and irritating, even from a great distance.
Dave Sanderson: Uh, confirmed.
[aside to camera:]
Dave Sanderson: Normally, I hate working on Halloween, but it's nice hanging out with Leslie. You know, she's focused, she's committed... And she made out with me in my cop car, which is pretty neat. I shouldn't have said that. That's clear to me now.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: [recording] Suspect laughing with friends and playing with his stupid skateboard in a snide, turdish manner.
Dave Sanderson: Turdish?
Leslie Knope: Yes. Like a turd. Like a little turd.

Quote from Leslie Knope

Leslie Knope: Can't we just fire a warning shot over his head as we drive by?
Dave Sanderson: No, babe. Don't touch that.
Leslie Knope: Leaving location. Look at stupid suspect. I hate suspect.

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