Nick Quote #264

Quote from Nick in Parents

Jess: Hey, Nick, what are you doing?
Nick: I don't know, Jessica. I'm a little bit confused. I think I'm into your mother.
Jess: What?!
Nick: I don't know how it happened.
Joan Day: In truth, it happens all the time, Nick.
Nick: I don't know if it's the sweet sounds of Jimmy Croce or the sweet smells of this turkey...


 ‘Parents’ Quotes

Quote from Nick

Nick: Oh, really? Is there another guy on Twilight, that there's a bit of a love triangle with?
Bob Day: Yes. It's the same as Twilight...
Nick: Does Twilight have a wolf in it?
Bob Day: Yes.
Nick: It does?
Bob Day: Yes.
Nick: Is Twilight in Seattle?
Bob Day: Yes!
Nick: Well, then whoever wrote that is smart.

Quote from Bob Day

Bob Day: You know, it doesn't take a genius. All you got to do is follow the money.
Nick: Always follow the money. That's what I always say. You always follow the money.
Bob Day: Yeah, yeah. Oil companies.
Bob Day: Pharmaceuticals.
Bob Day: Big business, chicken corporations.
Both: Corn.

Quote from Schmidt

Schmidt: Yeah, but know this, all right. Your caveman ideas about manhood are so over. Manhood today is about exfoliation.
Big Schmidt: Ha!
Schmidt: And cheese courses, and emotional honesty, and Paxil. And yes, cutting peppers in the classic style de julienne. You may have bested me in a competition of pre-Clinton manhood, but I am Schmidt. A refined and enlightened pescetarian. About 90% of the time.