Adrian Monk Quote #748

Quote from Adrian Monk in Mr. Monk and the Red Herring

Adrian Monk: Your husband was in the navy?
Natalie: Yeah, he died six years ago.
Julie Teeger: He was a pilot.
Adrian Monk: And you recently started dating again.
Natalie: How did you know that?
Adrian Monk: It's patently obvious. I happened to notice these in your coat pocket. Birth control pills. [off Natalie's horrified look] Oh, I'm sorry.
Natalie: I can't believe you just did that! Right in front of my daughter? What is wrong with you? Do you have, like, zero social skills?
Julie Teeger: Mom, it's okay. I'm not a baby.
Adrian Monk: Wait a minute! Wait a minute. Oh, my mistake. These are not birth control pills. These are, these are Tic Tacs. Just little pink and green Tic Tac candies. But don't eat them. They're... They're special, adult, you know, Tic Tacs.


 ‘Mr. Monk and the Red Herring’ Quotes

Quote from Adrian Monk

Applicant #2: You're looking for someone to start right away?
Adrian Monk: That's right.
Applicant #2: What would my hours be?
Adrian Monk: 9 A.M...
Applicant #2: Until?
Adrian Monk: Until one...
Applicant #2: 1 P.M?
Adrian Monk: Until one of us dies.

Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Captain Stottlemeyer: It's a goldfish.
Adrian Monk: Well, technically, it's a crimson marble fish.
Lieutenant Disher: Is it extinct?
Captain Stottlemeyer: If it was extinct, we wouldn't be looking at it, would we?

Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Lieutenant Disher: Sir, there's gotta be a connection here. Do you know the odds against two different men breaking into the same house in the same week?
Captain Stottlemeyer: No, I don't. Do you?
Lieutenant Disher: No.