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Mr. Monk and the Daredevil

‘Mr. Monk and the Daredevil’

Season 6, Episode 7 - Aired August 24, 2007

Monk can't make sense of the world when Harold Krenshaw is unmasked as a skyscraper-scaling daredevil called the Frisco Fly.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Woman: Harold, Harold! Fly! Frisco fly! I love you! Harold! Mr. Fly!
Natalie: That's not him. His room is up there.
Woman: You mean you've met him? What's he like?
Adrian Monk: I've seen his file. He wet his bed till he was 34. And he has to be hypnotized to get his hair cut.


Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: It's so quiet.
Adrian Monk: It is quiet. Which I prefer, actually. It makes it easier to hear the voices in my head, screaming and pleading.
Natalie: Are you okay?
Adrian Monk: I'm fine. How high are we?
Natalie: Uh, 24 stories.
Adrian Monk: Yeah.
Natalie: All right, so that's West, which means he fell off the roof over there.
Adrian Monk: It's not possible. I just came up in the elevator and it nearly killed me. You're telling me Harold Krenshaw climbed up the side of this building? Will you shut up?! Shut it! [to Natalie] Not- Not you.

Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: Okay, but Mr. Monk, everybody saw him fall off the roof.
Adrian Monk: Maybe not. What if he had two costumes, and he put one costume on a dummy, hired someone to throw the dummy off the roof. Meanwhile, Krenshaw is down below, hiding, in the other costume, waiting to be discovered. There. Mystery solved. Will you stop interrupting? I'm not gonna tell you again.
Natalie: Okay, Mr. Monk, Harold Krenshaw almost died. He had a concussion and five broken ribs. Are you saying that was self-inflicted? Why would he do that? Why would anybody do that?
Adrian Monk: To get to me.
Natalie: You? So this is about you?
Adrian Monk: Not entirely. It's mainly me. He's obsessed with me, Natalie.

Quote from Harold Krenshaw

Sara Hollins: The kids just adore you. You're all they talk about. We've been waiting downstairs all day. They wanted to give you this.
Molly: It's a picture of you.
Harold Krenshaw: That's me, huh? Well, I hope not. Look at the size of my head.
Joey Krenshaw: I'm surprised you can stand up. [both laugh]
Harold Krenshaw: I know. I know. And what is that?
Evan: The Golden Gate Bridge.
Harold Krenshaw: Really? What's keeping it up, magic? Because I don't see any suspension cables. Joey, you got a pen? yeah. What's the matter with you? Okay. Now it's a bridge.
Joey Krenshaw: It's basic physics.
Sara Hollins: They're only six years old.
Harold Krenshaw: They're not gonna learn any younger. That's what my uncle ronnie always says.
Joey Krenshaw: What's this, a bird? My God, it must be 20 feet long.
Harold Krenshaw: Yeah, it looks like mothra. Remember that old movie? [both squawk]
Sara Hollins: You're on the school board?
Harold Krenshaw: Yeah.

Quote from Harold Krenshaw

Harold Krenshaw: Who was that?
Joey Krenshaw: Cousin, that was money calling. Endorsement money. You ever heard of Neptune Energy Bars?
Harold Krenshaw: No.
Joey Krenshaw: Well, they've heard of you. They want to pay you ten grand to be in their next commercial. But they're on a tight schedule. They need to shoot tomorrow. You think you're up for it?
Harold Krenshaw: Of course I'm up for it. I'm the Frisco Fly, right?
Joey Krenshaw: Yeah.
Harold Krenshaw: I don't have to climb anything, do I?

Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Captain Stottlemeyer: What's this guy's name again?
Lieutenant Disher: Grajna. "G" as in "gnome," "r" as in "Randy Disher Project"...

Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: Harold, are you okay?
Harold Krenshaw: Yeah. I- I was just- I- I saw my fans down there. Thought I would climb down the building and say hello, 'cause the Frisco Fly never disappoints his fans.
Adrian Monk: Yeah, forget about it, Harold. Give it a rest, okay? The show's over. Here's what happened. Your cousin Joey wanted you dead. I can think of five or six reasons off the top of my head.
Harold Krenshaw: Money. We have a rich uncle. He didn't want to share the estate.
Adrian Monk: That's what I figured. Two weeks ago, Joey's wish came true. There was an accident. He happened to see it as he drove past. The driver's name was Victor Grajna. He was a professional acrobat. He was the real Frisco Fly. For Joey finding that costume was like hitting the jackpot. Two gallons of gasolene, one match and the real Frisco fly was gone for ever. Then all Joey had to do was wait for the right moment. On Monday night, he made his move. Where did it happen? Was it at your house?
Harold Krenshaw: It was in a parking garage.
Natalie: He dragged you up to the roof. It must have take him hours to get that costume on.
Adrian Monk: I have to admit it was a brilliant plan. Everyone would think the Frisco Fly slipped and fell. It would have worked, if you hadn't hit that awning.

Quote from Harold Krenshaw

Adrian Monk: Enjoy your inheritance.
Harold Krenshaw: Now I get it. This is about money, isn't it? Well, forget it. There's no reward.
Natalie: What? He's not in this for the money! You really are delusional!
Harold Krenshaw: Go to hell, Teeger!
Natalie: You go to hell!
Harold Krenshaw: You can both go to hell!
Adrian Monk: You go to hell! Not you.
Harold Krenshaw: I will see you both in Dr. Kroger's office. And I hope that Chuck and I don't keep you waiting too long. [falls off the roof]

Quote from Adrian Monk

Natalie: Mr. Monk, what are you doing?
Adrian Monk: Ssh. He's crying.
Natalie: You can't listen in. What if somebody listened to you?
Adrian Monk: They wouldn't hear me crying very often.

Quote from Lieutenant Disher

Adrian Monk: One body?
Captain Stottlemeyer: Yep. Driver. He was still behind the wheel, buckled in.
Adrian Monk: Who was he?
Captain Stottlemeyer: We don't know. The killer doesn't want us to know. Whoever did this stuck around.
Adrian Monk: And?
Captain Stottlemeyer: And removed every bit of I.D. , filed off the VIN numbers off of the car. All we got is a gas can and a flashlight. No fingerprints.
Lieutenant Disher: Yeah, Dr. G figured, uh, it happened about four days ago.
Adrian Monk: No, it was longer. At least a week. The grass is already starting to grow back.
Lieutenant Disher: Oh, it wasn't me. It was Dr. G.
Adrian Monk: Cause of death?
Lieutenant Disher: Oh, vehicular homicide. Dr. G says the victim was forced off the road.
Adrian Monk: I don't think so. There's no dents on the side or the rear. I think this was an accident. Look, I think this poor guy hit a deer. Look. A little piece of antler. Plus, the headlights were off, so this must have happened during the day. But the guy burned the car later. He needed the flashlight.
Lieutenant Disher: I guess Dr. G is 0 for 2.

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