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Stand By Your Man

‘Stand By Your Man’

Season 10, Episode 18 - Aired March 20, 2019

Phil tries to be a male role model to  Luke, Dylan and Bill and pass on some of his experience. After Mitchell forgets his wedding anniversary, he tries to make it up to Cameron by joining him at his favorite cowboy bar. Meanwhile, Jay tries to sell his dog beds on a TV shopping channel.

Quote from Cameron

Cameron: Honey, I appreciate that you went to all this trouble, but you know what? Maybe we don't have to do everything together. Maybe that's how we'll make sure we have lots of anniversaries.
Mitchell: Oh. And I promise never to forget again.
Cameron: And I promise I'll never count down the seconds to shame you. Okay, let's get you out of that belt buckle.
Mitchell: Ooh.
Cameron: No, I didn't mean it in a sexy way. It's hideous. It looks like something you'd get off CalShopTV.

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