Luke Quote #375
Quote from Luke in Blindsided
Principal Brown: I have been perusing your transcript. [chuckles] And, uh, apropos of nothing, you know, not every kid is destined for college.
Claire: But Luke is, right?
Principal Brown: Okay, I'll play along. The reality is that Luke's grades and test scores are what we educators call suboptimal.
Luke: Is that good?
Principal Brown: See what I'm talking about?
Modern Family Quotes
‘Blindsided’ Quotes
Quote from Ronaldo
Ronaldo: Mm, I'm going to miss this beautiful diva. Her tummy can get a little fussy, so if you're ever wondering what to cook for her, just ask yourself, "What would Patti LuPone eat?"
Quote from Phil
Phil: Not to sound like a total Katen, but Haley's new job seems whack.
[aside to camera:]
Phil: If Haley wants to work in promotion, she should learn from my guy, Mr. Merv Schechter. Among his brilliant innovations, the indoor blimp that drops coupons at basketball games. Sadly, it was later weaponized by several terrorist organizations.
Quote from Claire
Claire: All right, Luke, we need to talk. Grandpa is coming for you, and he has run successful political campaigns before. He got Mitchell elected class president before it was cool to be gay.