Claire Quote #563
Quote from Claire in The Storm
Claire: Of course you're insecure about your body. You're a teenager. It's part of the job description. But if this whole skinny-dipping thing ever even happens, you have nothing to worry about.
Manny: Easy for you to-
Claire: You're still talking. You have nothing to worry about because nobody's going to be looking at you, because all those other kids are gonna be too preoccupied with their own insecurities.
Manny: But i-if they do?
Claire: [inhales sharply] You'll be fine. You're the most confident kid I have ever met, and that is always sexy.
Manny: Thanks, Claire.
Claire: Mm.
Manny: And if this helps you in any way, I've always found you sexy, too.
Claire: Super.
Modern Family Quotes
‘The Storm’ Quotes
Quote from Gloria
Gloria: What's going on here? I could cut the tension with my machete.
Quote from Haley
Haley: [aside to camera] Andy I started out pretty hot and heavy, but, uh, the last few weeks I've just been super busy, so I guess he's feeling neglected, and he's acting a little cold. I mean, a chuck on the arm? What are we, Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer? [chuckles] Those are people, right?
Quote from Luke
Alex: Why can't we remember this last piece? We just had it this morning.
Luke: Hey, guys. I know you're busy, but do you think being hit by lightning can make people smarter?
Alex: Get out of here.
Luke: Huh. Yeah. [starts writing on the whiteboard] It's probably just a myth. There's so much crazy stuff written on the Internet these days.
[aside to camera:]
Luke: Turns out, when they figured it out the first time, the formula was in the background of a selfie I took.
Luke: Anyway, if you don't think lightning can do that, it must not be true. After all, you are the smartest people I know. [drops the marker pen]