Gloria Quote #199

Quote from Gloria in Go Bullfrogs!

Jay: He was hanging from that bar up there.
Gloria: What? Why? What do you have on your head?
Jay: It's a weighted helmet to stretch me so I can get taller.
Gloria: Manny! Why do you have to get tall now?
Manny: Love, mom. Why else? I lost Bella to Durkus because, in her words, "He's tall." Everybody else is getting taller but me. You think it's the coffee?
Gloria: No. Maybe. But but hanging downside up is not gonna help you.
Manny: The web site said it would.
Gloria: Listen, Manny, you're already intelligent and beautiful and funny. If you get tall, you're going to have everything, and those poor boys are not gonna have anything to compete with you.


 ‘Go Bullfrogs!’ Quotes

Quote from Jay

Jay: [aside to camera] Gloria's always saying we should do more stuff together. So I agreed to watch this crazy Colombian soap opera she loves.
Gloria: "Fuego y hielo."
Jay: Which apparently, is Spanish for "big hair and yelling."
Gloria: "Fire and ice." It's about human suffering. I relate to it.
Jay: I'm just saying, the guy's a judge. He can put a shirt on.

Quote from Phil

Claire: [aside to camera] Phil is taking Haley to visit his Alma Mater.
Phil: Loved college.
Claire: Mm, we were hoping some of that enthusiasm rubs off on her. Go, bullfrogs!
Phil: Dogs. Bulldogs. I feel like you do that on purpose.
Claire: No, it's just I say "bull, " and I can't remember if it's frogs or dogs.
Phil: When I talk to my old friends from college, do we croak or do we bark?

Quote from Claire

Holly: Hey, Claire, listen. Uh, if you want, some of the moms are gonna stay and watch "Gone with the wind" in my new screening room. I got Pinot!
Claire: I would love to, but I'm not feeling that great, so I'm probably just gonna go home and rest. Plus I've seen that movie.
[aside to camera:]
Claire: No, I never saw "Gone with the Wind," but I have two kids at sleepovers, and Haley's out of town with Phil. That means I have one night to myself, which happens once every... never. I am not spending it with some gossipy mom who was mean to me in High School. I need a fun night out.