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Lake Life

‘Lake Life’

Season 9, Episode 1 - Aired September 27, 2017

When Jay takes the whole family on a vacation to a houseboat, he hopes to create memories that will last long after he's gone. Meanwhile, Mitchell runs into an old flame, Cameron tries to stay out of the sun, and Phil and Claire want to be more adventurous.

Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: Um, I don't know if you remember this, but I tried to kiss you once, and I've... I've just always... I've felt really terrible about it. And I just wanted to say I'm sorry.
Scotty: Oh, yeah. No, I barely remember that. We had a great summer. Don't think twice about it.
Mitchell: Oh! That is... That is such a relief.
Scotty: Remember we stole my dad's truck and took it to the casino?
Mitchell: Right.
Scotty: I was trying to cheer you up because that bully kept pushing you in the lake.
Mitchell: Claire. Yeah. No, we're cool now.


Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: Um, so, listen, good to see you.
Scotty: Great to see you.
Mitchell: Oh, and, hey, listen. Thank you so much for understanding. A lot of straight guys wouldn't have been so nice.
Scotty: Straight? I'm not straight. [chuckles]
Mitchell: I'm sorry. What?
Scotty: I'm gayer than three crawdaddies in a bucket. [to customers] Were you guys looking for bait? I just got in some California Short Worms that are definitely not regular worms cut in half.

Quote from Mitchell

Mitchell: Hi, again. Quick question.
Scotty: No refunds on the bait. They were alive when you bought them. Oh. Hey, Mitchy. Sorry.
Mitchell: Just curious. Um... How long after we hung out did you realize that you were gay?
Scotty: Oh, no, it was... It was years before that.
Mitchell: Oh. Okay. So... So, back then, when you said that you... You weren't "into this," you meant that you weren't into me.
Scotty: Well...
Mitchell: Because I must have been the only gay kid around for miles, right?
Scotty: Oh, I don't... Yeah, I mean, technically, yeah.
Mitchell: Oh, let me get this right. You're in the middle of nowhere, with no other options, at an age where a boy gets excited by the wind, and you looked at me, and you said, "Ooh, pass."
Scotty: W... I... I'm sorry. I feel bad. It was years ago, though. You want some... free bait? Have a lure?
Mitchell: Apparently, I don't have allure.

Quote from Cameron

Cameron: Okay, Gloria, there's a store. Go in there. Get me something to cover me up with anything. But if there is a color choice, avoid yellow and green. It washes me out.
Gloria: Oh, yeah, Cam, I would love to help you. The same way you helped me fall into that filthy lake! Hey, kids! Watch out for the naked man!
Cameron: What?
Gloria: Good luck.

Quote from Cameron

Cameron: Hello, darkness, my old friend.

Quote from Mitchell

Scotty: If you don't mind, I... I do want to go outside and see the eclipse.
Mitchell: Oh, I'm not done. Just- Just so you know, plenty of people find me very attractive, okay, including my amazing husband, who is no slouch himself.
Cameron: [wearing a sandwich board] Hi. Do you sell muumuus?
Mitchell: And I am going to find him right now.

Quote from Mitchell

Claire: "Run toward embarrassment"? What does that even mean?
Mitchell: I don't know. He needs this.

Quote from Jay

Jay: Honey, I want you to have my telescope. May it inspire you to love science.
Alex: I already love science.
Jay: This feels like a real turning point. You know, it's a story you'll want to tell people. "He always told me to reach for the stars."

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