Dewey Quote #167

Quote from Dewey in Stereo Store

Jessica: Night. Oh, come back tomorrow. I'll have the boys make stroganoff. Dewey, I thought you were asleep.
Dewey: You thought a lot of things.
Jessica: What are you boys doing dressed?
Reese: You want to handle this?
Malcolm: Oh, yeah. [Reese starts to walk out]
Jessica: Where are you going? Come back here! I'm calling Alison!
Dewey: Are you going to tell her you said she was stupid, and you're only friends with her to borrow her clothes?
Jessica: Why, you little-
Malcolm: Or would you rather call your parents and tell them you're the one who stole your grandmother's ring? [Jessica sits down] Okay, here's how it's going to work: Reese and I are going out, and you're gonna tell my dad we were here the whole time. You're gonna stay here with Dewey, and wait on him hand and foot.
Dewey: I want a sundae and then some pizza. And then another pizza and then a pizza sundae. [zips up romper]


 ‘Stereo Store’ Quotes

Quote from Gretchen

Otto: The cinema has a brilliant new light, and her name is Gretchen Mannkusser.
Gretchen: Oh, Otto!
Otto: You were great.
Gretchen: Really? I don't know. I found that whole scene was kind of stupid and pointless. You know what would have helped? Some sex.
Otto: Ja, ja, ja. [whispers] But you know these Americans, they have lots of hang-ups, eh?

Quote from Malcolm

Malcolm: I'm not saying you don't have some skills. They're just wasted on me. I'm smarter than you.
Jessica: Smarter how?
Malcolm: My brain just works differently, okay? I can see what you're doing and what you're planning at the same time.
Jessica: So what, you have, like, two brains?
Malcolm: Of course not! Nobody has two brains. Look, do you know how multitasking works on a computer? [Jessica stares blankly] Here, I'll draw you a diagram. Let's say this circle is your conscious mind during a normal conversation. This intersecting circle represents another track. Not opposed to the first-
Jessica: Wait, wait, wait. Slow down.
Malcolm: For lack of a better term, we'll call this track subtext. Now, with my brain, there can be four tracks going at one time, plus one supervisor track that keeps them all in line, unless you're talking about...

Quote from Jessica

Jessica: Reese, I'll make you a deal. Help me with the dishes, and I won't make you take a bath.
Reese: You can't make me do anything!
Jessica: Boy, Alison was right about your temper.
Reese: What are you talking about?
Jessica: Oh, she was kind of saying that you were... You know what? Never mind. [washes dish]
Reese: Is she mad at me?
Jessica: I wouldn't say mad. [hands Reese a dish to dry]
Reese: What'd she say?
Jessica: I probably shouldn't.
Reese: No, no, no, you have to. Give me that. [takes dishes]
Jessica: Well, it wasn't really what she said. It was more the way she said it. Oh, that's baked on. You're going to need some cleanser for that.
Reese: Oh, okay. Go on.
Malcolm: [to camera] Okay, Reese is easy, but she's good.