Gretchen Quote #17
Quote from Gretchen in Boys at Ranch
Otto: Your son is a genius. He has completely turned this place around.
Gretchen: Well, not physically, of course. We still face the arroyo as before, but we could never have survived without his hard work.
Malcolm in the Middle Quotes
‘Boys at Ranch’ Quotes
Quote from Otto
Francis: I specifically told you guys stay away from those ATVs! What the hell were you thinking?!
Hal: They don't think, Francis. They never have! The only thing their heads are good for is to plug up their necks.
Otto: [points at Dewey] I blame the oldest one. The others follow him like sheep!
Quote from Francis
Malcolm: So, where's Francis?
Dewey: Is he really the foreman?
Reese: We haven't seen him in months.
Hal: You'll have to forgive the boys. They've always looked up to Francis like he's some kind of hero.
[As the boys step outside, Francis comes riding over the hill on a horse]
Francis: [horse whinnies in distance] [whinnies] How's it going, guys?
Hal: My God, Francis! How the heck did you learn to ride a horse like that?
Francis: Well, you got to pick it up quick around here. We break horses, brand cattle, it's about as close to the Old West as you'll ever find.
Woman on Golf Cart: [horn toots] Where do I find the jazzercise class?
Francis: Other side of the smoothie bar.
Quote from Piama
Piama: Hey, guys. I'm so sorry. I came as fast as I could.
Hal: Hey.
Piama: I-I'm not going to get too close. I'm fighting a terrible cold. I'll probably be in bed all weekend.
Malcolm: Mom didn't come.
Piama: [throws box of tissues away] Well, we'll just have to enjoy ourselves without her. Come on.