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Hal Sleepwalks

‘Hal Sleepwalks’

Season 6, Episode 7 - Aired January 16, 2005

Hal starts sleepwalking as he stresses about getting Lois the perfect wedding anniversary gift. Meanwhile, Malcolm buys a guitar hoping to uncover a musical talent, and Dewey's classmates are nominated for student body president as a joke.

Quote from Reese

Reese: I'm willing to forget I ever saw this, if you tell me everything you know about sleepwalking.
Malcolm: Sleepwalking? Well, all I know is it's a dissociative state, which basically is...
Reese: Just tell me what causes it.
Malcolm: Well, there's a few things. It usually happens when a person is under intense, emotional or psychological stress.
Reese: So, if a sleepwalker stays stressed out, he'll continue sleepwalking?
Malcolm: I don't know, probably.
Reese: Beautiful.


Quote from Dewey

Dewey: I hate politics! The voters don't read. They don't think for themselves. They're completely swayed by the last thing they heard, whether it's true or not.
[Dewey folds up a campaign poster he's produced titled "The Real Kyle Rogers" supposedly showing Kyle hitting a kitten with a baseball bat]
Dewey: Democracy is a failure, because let's face it, people are idiots.
Reese: I think you'd feel better about the world, Dewey, if you had a programmable zombie robot.

Quote from Dewey

Dewey: I thought you two were going to stay friends, no matter what.
Hansen: Oh, wake up, Dewey! There's a little too much at stake here to play that game!
Dewey: Stop it! The truth is, you two were nominated as a joke. You had a chance to show the rest of the school that you were better than Kyle and his friends. Now you're no different than they are.
Chad: We used to be a team. You two and the four of me. We have no idea who you are any more.
Dewey: You guys do what you want. I'm sick of this.

Quote from Hal

Lois: Hal, you didn't even touch your pie.
Hal: No, I'm saving that for Reese.

Quote from Reese

Reese: Okay, let's see what you've got here. These aren't even letters. Why did I think a zombie could write an essay on Johnny Tremain? Come on, we might as well go to bed.
Hal: [sleep talking] No, don't! Wait! Have to get an answer!
Reese: Dad, I'm not gonna be able to help you with an idea for mom. And the other ideas I have for you are just gonna land us in jail.
Hal: You can help! You're the one I can talk to. You're my guy!
Reese: Really? I thought Malcolm was your favorite.
Hal: Smart one scares me. You're normal, like me.
Reese: Is that why you grab me?
Hal: You're my guy.

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