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Cynthia's Back

‘Cynthia's Back’

Season 3, Episode 14 - Aired February 17, 2002

When Cynthia returns from a few months abroad in Europe, Malcolm notices some changes. Meanwhile, Francis realizes he's unhappy in Alaska, and Dewey tries to help Hal get over his fear of kites.

Quote from Cynthia

Malcolm: Agh! What are you doing?!
Reese: Algebra.
Malcolm: What did he say to you?
Cynthia: Malcolm, calm down! I'm just helping him with his homework.
Malcolm: You know Reese doesn't care about school.
Cynthia: That's what I thought, but when he asked me for help... he sounded so pathetic, I couldn't say no.


Quote from Reese

Cynthia: How are you doing on number five?
Reese: Awful. I'm not gonna get this. I'm such an idiot.
Cynthia: No, you're not.
Reese: Everyone says I'm an idiot all the time. [Cynthia looks at Malcolm]
Malcolm: Well, he is!
Cynthia: Malcolm.
Reese: It's not his fault. Someone at some point decided I was dumb, and that's all anyone ever sees in me. Why do they always focus on one detail, they can never look at the whole person?
Cynthia: I don't know.

Quote from Hal

Dewey: OK, we had a little setback, but don't give up.
Hal: Forget it! I'm sick of this! I hate kites! I have always hated kites!
Dewey: Dad, don't freak out in front of the other kids.
Hal: No, I'm never gonna get this and I don't want to!
Dewey: You can't just give up.
Hal: I can give up whenever I want to, and I give up!
Dewey: That's it. I'm tired of your attitude. I'm going home.

Quote from Cynthia

Hal: The private says, "But, General, I didn't touch your toast!"
Cynthia: [squeaky laugh]
Hal: You know, Cynthia, something's different about you. Did you get a haircut? Very stylish. [doorbell rings]
Lois: Cynthia, did you like Europe?
Cynthia: I did. I forget sometimes that there's a whole world out there that's not full of prurient adolescent boys. There are sophisticated people who treat me nicely and keep their mouths shut.
Malcolm: I get it.

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