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Season 7, Episode 7 -  Aired November 18, 2005

Hal and Lois are about to go out for dinner to celebrate their wedding anniversary, until Hal gets his hands on some prized Kobe beef. Malcolm and Reese are waiting for their parents to leave so they can spend time with some visiting Dutch girls, but then Reese is offered the chance to cook the Kobe steaks. Dewey is upset that Hal reneged on a promise that they would all eat cereal for dinner. Meanwhile, Francis arrives home in search of something and inadvertently causes a blackout.

Quote from Francis

Lois: That was ten years ago! Why do you even care?
Francis: It was between me and some guys.
Lois: What guys?
Francis: They come around the pool, every day at 3:00, talking smack like all I do is hang around at the pool all day and I never did anything with my life. So I told 'em about the fish. And they said they didn't believe me! Man, I can't wait to see the look on Jason Sullivan's face!
Lois: 3:00? How old are these people?
Francis: Good point. A 12-year-old should not be lecturing people about how they have or have not lived their lives!
Lois: You're trying to impress a 12-year-old?
Francis: Not trying to, going to.
Lois: I don't want this dead fish in my house. You can have it. But once I help you, you know what you have to do.
Francis: Learn not to care what other people think?
Lois: Get a job!
Francis: Yeah, that'll show 'em.


Quote from Dewey

Hal: I don't know where you get it, the dishonesty. We are your family, and you betray us. [eats] God, this is so good, Reese.
Reese: Thanks.
Lois: Yeah, Malcolm, I would like to reach into your ear and tear out that part of your brain that makes you do things like this! [eats] Smoky.
Reese: That's the mesquite.
Hal: I don't even know what's happening in my own house.
Francis: Really good, Reese. Hey, thanks for your piece, Dewey. You sure you don't want any?
Dewey: No, thanks.
Lois: That is so nice of you, Dewey.
Hal: At least we have one boy we can trust.
[cut to everyone else asleep at the dinner table after eating their steaks]

Quote from Reese

Dewey: But I'm cooking. Mom and Dad are going out for their anniversary and they're letting me pick dinner.
Reese: I'm not eating cereal for dinner!
Dewey: Yes, you are. Dad said if I emptied out the rat traps in the crawl space, then I get to pick dinner.
Reese: That's funny. He didn't consult me, seeing as I have the fist and you have the face.

Quote from Reese

Dewey: Have you seen Malcolm?
Reese: No! And you haven't either.
Dewey: I haven't.
Reese: Good. Then we understand each other.

Quote from Reese

Hal: Where's Malcolm?
Reese: I have no idea where Malcolm is or what he's doing. Or why he's doing whatever it is that I don't know what he's doing.
Hal: All right, I know you're hiding something, but I don't care.

Quote from Hal

Lois: [o.s.] Hal, I can't see anything!
Hal: I'll find a flashlight. [flashlight dies] Oh, would you look at that. Is there a single neighbor that lends us something that doesn't have dead batteries?

Quote from Francis

Francis: I was hiding from Dad. I wanted to talk to you first.
Lois: Francis, your father and I have a joint checking account. It doesn't matter who you talk to first.
Francis: No, it's just you know how emotional he gets. I don't want him overreacting when he hears what happened.
Lois: What happened?
Francis: I think my marriage is over. [Lois doesn't respond] That's bad news.
Lois: Of course it is. What's going on?
Francis: We've been fighting about everything lately. I mean, how do you answer when someone asks, "Does your face have to look like that?" I put up with her face. With that nose always pointing at me.
Lois: Oh, Francis.
Francis: I still love her; I don't want it to end, but I just I don't see how it's going to last.

Quote from Hal

Hal: Where did that come from?
Lois: I'm just trying to celebrate our anniversary.
Hal: Hmm. Not just yet. I still have some work to do. [Lois pins Hal to the bed] Officer, what is this about? You better lock the doors.
Lois: Actually, Hal, you know, on second thought, I'm really not in the mood.
Hal: Oh, I see. Stoke the flame. Oh, I like the way you think.

Quote from Hal

Lois: Who's drunk?
Hal: Malcolm. He's drunk at a party 100 miles down the freeway. Now we both have to go down there, pick him up and drive his car back.
Lois: Oh, for God's sake!
Hal: You know what would teach him a lesson? If we made him wait until after we ate dinner. Let him stew in his own juices. His own delicious, savory juices.
Lois: Get your keys, Hal. I'll meet you in the car.
Hal: All right! [on the phone] Malcolm you just stay right where you are. [hangs up] I hate children.

Quote from Hal

Hal: Jamie? Oh, did the blackout scare you? Listen, pal, I need the batteries from one of your toys. Where's that frog that used to shock you in the bathtub?

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