Marshall Quote #60
Quote from Marshall in Drumroll, Please
Ted: There was no Victoria at the wedding.
Lily: Maybe she used a second fake name. Oh, she's good, she's very good.
Marshall: Maybe she was a ghost. That's why she didn't wanna kiss you, because you'd just pass right through her and feel really cold for a second. Oh my God, I just had a great idea for a screenplay.
Ted: Marshall. She was not a ghost.
Marshall: I know that she wasn't a ghost, she picked up a bouquet, proving she had corporeal form.
How I Met Your Mother Quotes
‘Drumroll, Please’ Quotes
Quote from Barney
Barney: Ted, oh my gosh, I love this moment. You know why? Because I'm gonna say it and this time you're actually gonna say yes. You ready? You ready to say yes? Ted, suit up!
Ted: Yes! No.
Barney: Oh, come on!
Quote from Barney
Tanya: Wow, the Peace Corps?
Barney: Yeah, I ship out tomorrow for two years. You know, some people say the Peace Corps is the most noble thing a person can do. To those people, I say, "Is it?" And usually they say, "Yes, it is."
Quote from Lily
Lily: So, that's what happened to the bouquet. You know, good for Victoria. It's such an evil tradition.
Ted: You're not gonna do it at your wedding?
Lily: Oh, yeah, I'm gonna take that flower grenade and chuck it into the crowd and scream, "Crawl for it, bitches!" It's just what girls do.