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Season 6, Episode 19 - Aired March 21, 2011

When Barney finally meets his father, he has trouble accepting the man he's become. Meanwhile, Marshall feels the gang are still treating him with kid gloves after his father died.

Quote from Marshall

Marshall: Seriously, it's time. What are my gaps?
Ted: Well, I guess maybe one gap you have is... you can't wink.
[flashback to the gang at MacLaren's:]
Marshall: Don't you think that maybe we should go home... and, uh, "do the laundry"? [Marshall's eye flutters]
Lily: [v.o.] You can't swallow pills.
[flashback to Marshall spitting up a pill, which lands on Lily's forehead]


Quote from Robin

Robin: Ooh! Ooh! I got one! You- You think John Kennedy and Jack Kennedy are the same person. Right? It's... What?

Quote from Barney

Jerry: Uh, okay. Barney, uh, maybe that's enough.
Barney: What? J.J. started it. What does J.J. even stand for anyway? J-J-Jerky... Jerkface?
Jerry: J.J. stands for Jerome Jr.
Barney: Jerome Jr.? Oh. He- He's named after you. Excuse me. [exits]
J.J.: I like having a brother.

Quote from Barney

Lily: Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?
Barney: I'm fine. Hey, Ted.
Ted: Yeah, buddy?
Barney: You, uh, still want a basketball hoop out there?
Ted: Oh. Well, uh, I also really liked your outdoor stripper pole idea.
Marshall: Yeah, it's fine.
Barney: No. You were right. A kid needs a hoop.

Quote from Barney

Jerry: I have a family now. That's my wife, Cheryl. My daughter, Carly. She's in college. This is my son, J.J. I was hoping you could come over to dinner sometime and meet them.
Barney: You're all wearing matching sweaters. That's cute. Look, I gotta get goin', Jerry. But, uh, this was great. Glad we did this.
Jerry: I made him wait all these years for me, and... I'm just not the guy he wanted me to be. I know I don't deserve it, but I need another chance to connect with my son.

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