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How I Met Everyone Else

‘How I Met Everyone Else’

Season 3, Episode 5 - Aired October 22, 2007

When the gang meet Ted's new girlfriend, they reminisce about how they all met each other. Barney thinks Ted's girlfriend is crazy and explains his "Hot/Crazy Scale".

Quote from Ted

Blahblah: You don't really believe that, do you? You swore it was Lily.
Ted: I guess I made a mistake. Must have been Alexa.
Blahblah: Another girl, Ted? Who haven't you made out with? You know what, I don't need this. I design handbags. I'm writing a memoir. I'm a superstar. This is totally my year. Someday the name Blahblah will be up in lights. Ted, next time you're online playing World of Warcraft, don't even think about chatting with me. [exits]
Barney: World of Warcraft? The online role playing game? That's how you two met online?


Quote from Robin

Robin: College, good times.
Blahblah: Oh, I get it. Ted told you I didn't go to college so now you're giving me a cute little backhanded slap.
Barney: Oh, here we go. [claps lightly]
Blahblah: Well, while you were busy majoring in being freaking beautiful, I was starting my own line of handbags.
Barney: Your own line of handbags? That's crazy.
Blahblah: These have sold in Japan. Robin, have you ever sold anything in Japan?
Robin: Uh, no, but I would love to buy one of them if... Where can I get one?
Blahblah: I don't have a distributor here yet, but thanks for rubbing that in. Why are you trying to undermine me in front of Ted?
Robin: Look, there's nothing going on between me and Ted.
Blahblah: Wow, that just came out of nowhere.
Robin: No, I'm just saying you don't have anything to worry about.
Blahblah: I wasn't worried. Are you saying I should be?
Robin: No, I'm saying that you shouldn't be.
Blahblah: Oh good, 'cause I'm not. Now, Robin, could you just let it go? You're making all of us really uncomfortable.

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