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Thanks, but No Thanks

‘Thanks, but No Thanks’

Season 8, Episode 10 -  Aired November 24, 1998

Jill encourages Tim to be supportive after Marty and Nancy break up, but the family is surprised when Tim invites Marty and the girls to move in with them.

Quote from Tim

Marty: Listen, I'm gonna go upstairs. They can never seem to fall asleep unless I read them a story first.
Tim: Already done.
Jill: They're sound asleep. I'm sorry.
Marty: Oh, no, no. That's great.
Tim: I ended up reading them the Al Unser story.


Quote from Tim

Al: To begin with, all you actually need is a latex paint-glaze mix, a sea sponge.
Tim: See? Sponge. It's a fun project the kids would enjoy trying to spruce up their own rooms. And to show you how much fun it would be for children, I invited two kids on the show today. My nieces, Claire and Gracie Taylor. Okay, girls. Are you ready to paint?
Gracie: Yeah.
Claire: Okay.
Tim: All right, before we do that, I want you to look into the camera and tell the audience out there what Uncle Tim says whenever he starts a project.
Gracie: "Ow, that hurts"?
Tim: Come on. What's he say?
Claire: "Call 911"?
Tim: What did I say backstage?
Gracie: "Al, your mom's fat."

Quote from Harry

Benny: Hey, if Marty's not coming to your house for Thanksgiving, who's gonna give me a ride?
Harry: I'll have my sister pick you up.

Quote from Tim

Tim: What's that all about?
Jill: Well, obviously something about them being here is bothering him.
Tim: Well, I don't want to figure it out. I bent over backwards for him. I've been sensitive. I've changed my whole personality.
Jill: And we were all very grateful for that.

Quote from Tim

Jill: I think you should go talk to Marty.
Tim: I'm tired of fixing things for him. And I'm tired of talking with him.
Jill: What are you gonna say to him at Thanksgiving at your mom's?
Tim: What I say every year. "You touch that drumstick, you're gonna lose a hand."

Quote from Tim

Tim: Is that what this is about, Marty? Come on, it's always easier raising somebody else's kids. You know, when Claire and Gracie see you and Nancy, they see a couple in pain. When they see me and Jill, they see a guy shocking the stuffing out of a teddy bear and a bitter old maid.

Quote from Tim

Tim: You're right. Your house is freezing cold.
Wilson: Well, I think the pilot light went off in my furnace. Would you mind going down in the basement and taking a look?
Tim: Well, yeah, but, you know, you can do this yourself.
Wilson: Well, I don't like to go down there. It's big and it's damp. The place gives me the creeps.
Tim: Love basements. Love the creeps. There it is, Wilson! I found your furnace! You got a light down here or something?
Wilson: There should be a pull chain right over the furnace.
[When Tim turns on the light, a deep cavernous cave is revealed]
Tim: Interesting. You know, Wilson, if you were to drop the ceiling just a scosh, you'd have a heck of a rec room down here. Foosball table, ping-pong, the whole nine yards.

Quote from Marty

Marty: Hey, Tim.
Tim: Hey, Marty. Glad you're open. Now I don't have to go downtown to score that bag of wood screws.
Marty: Yeah. Uh... Harry's been looking for a night watchman, you know? And, I mean, I'm just kind of giving him a hand.
Tim: Intimidating uniform.
Marty: You should've seen me before I put the shorts on.

Quote from Tim

Tim: I know about you and Nancy. Benny sold you out.
Marty: Free sandwich?
Tim: Fresh donut.

Quote from Tim

Tim: You're not imposing. You're family. You know, with Randy out of the country, we got a spare room. I mean, you could stay there right now.
Marty: That'd be great.
Tim: Yeah, and when you get the girls, they can stay there, too.
Marty: Really?
Tim: Yeah.
Marty: You think Jill will be okay with it?
Tim: Yeah, sure. There's nothing more important to Jill than family. And we want you to spend Thanksgiving with us at Mom's. But you've got to put some pants on.

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