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Shopping Around

‘Shopping Around’

Season 5, Episode 24 - Aired May 7, 1996

As things get serious between Tim's mother, Lucille (Bonnie Bartlett), and his old shop teacher, Mr. Leonard (Dick O'Neill), Tim catches Mr. Leonard out with another woman.

Quote from Tim

Mr. Leonard: Hey, Timmy. I'm sorry I'm late.
Tim: Yeah. Thanks for showing up halfway through the show.
Mr. Leonard: I was getting the stitches removed from my butt. The doctor says hello. He recognized your handiwork.


Quote from Tim

Mr. Leonard: All right. What's your problem with me, kid?
Tim: I saw you at Sorentino's last night with another woman.
Mr. Leonard: Oh, boy!
Tim: Yeah. I saw everything. Flowers, the kiss.
Mr. Leonard: I'll be honest with you, Tim. I am dating another woman beside your mother. Her name is Florence.
Tim: How can you do this to Mom? She told me you made her happy than she's been in years.
Mr. Leonard: Timmy, I feel the same way about your mother.
Tim: Well, what about Florence?
Mr. Leonard: I wanted to break it off with her, so I took her out to dinner to say goodbye.
Tim: That's not what it looked like.
Mr. Leonard: I know. I kept saying goodbye, and she kept saying hello.
Tim: All I'm saying is, my mom is real serious about you.
Mr. Leonard: Tim, I was married for 42 years. After my wife died, I never thought I'd date again. And then about three months ago, I met two terrific women. I really liked the both of them. I guess I went a little overboard.
Tim: You got to figure out who you're saying hello and goodbye to.

Quote from Tim

Al: Yo guys, we're on in three seconds. Are you two finished, or should I do it by myself?
Tim: If you do it by yourself, we're all finished. Come on! [theme music plays] Well, we're back with Mr. Leonard, who's now gonna choose between a ballpeen hammer and a bumping hammer, remembering how close he is to the son of the ballpeen.

Quote from Tim

Jill: What do you think he's saying to her down there?
Tim: I don't know.
Jill: Well, is he going to stop seeing that other woman?
Tim: I don't know.
Jill: Is he going to make more of commitment to your mother?
Tim: I don't know.
Jill: How is it possible for you to have a conversation with this man and know nothing?
Tim: I don't know. That's the difference between you and me. I don't pry into people's lives.
Jill: Well, neither do l. God, I wish we'd put that intercom switch on downstairs!
Tim: I did. Just turn the volume up.

Quote from Tim

Mr. Leonard: You know, l... I've been thinking a lot about our relationship.
Lucille: I have too.
Mr. Leonard: Oh, OK. You want to go steady?
Lucille: Sounds good to me. Does that mean you won't be seeing that other woman?
Mr. Leonard: Oh, boy! I wasn't that obvious, was I?
Lucille: No. It was Tim and Jill. They were acting so idiotic last night I knew something was up.
Mr. Leonard: Well, that is all over. I've also given a great deal of thought about my priorities in life. You're right at the top. Right after my arthritis pills.
Lucille: [chuckles] You're at the top of my list, too. After my bunion pads.
Mr. Leonard: [laughs] Boy, are we gonna be a lovely pair, walking hand in hand into the pharmacy.
Lucille: So, where do we go from here?
Mr. Leonard: I don't know. But at our age we had better go fast.
Lucille: Art!

Quote from Tim

Mr. Leonard: You're prettier than a blushing apricot in a little wicker basket.
Lucille: I love it when you talk fruit to me.
[elsewhere, listening over the intercom:]
Jill: Isn't that sweet?
Tim: He sure knows his produce.
Jill: What do you think they're doing now?
Tim: It's pretty quiet. [speaks over the intercom] Hey, Mr. Leonard!

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