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Al's Fair Lady

‘Al's Fair Lady’

Season 8, Episode 5 - Aired October 20, 1998

When Tim and Jill have dinner with Al and his new girlfriend, Trudy (Megan Cavanagh), she surprises him with a classic Ferrari for their one-month anniversary.

Quote from Tim

Tim: It's not just a Ferrari. It's a classic!
Jill: The car is completely inappropriate.
Tim: Wrong. It's perfect. It's dressy, yet casual.
Jill: You don't think that it is slightly insane to give a Ferrari on a one-month anniversary?
Tim: Trudy is loaded. Her giving him a car is like you giving me boxer shorts.
Jill: You'd have to be shallow not to see what is going on here.
Tim: I see what's going on here. Al got a Ferrari after sticking it out for one month! He holds on for a year, he'll get the Duesenberg she's got parked in the garage.


Quote from Wilson

Al: Hey, buddy. How's it going?
Wilson: Well, hi ho, Al. You look like you're getting ready for the Grand Prix.
Al: Well, I thought I would embrace the Ferrari lifestyle. What do you think?
Wilson: Well, to quote my old friend, the famous race-car driver, Stirling Moss, "You look fine."

Quote from Tim

Tim: "Dear Trudy, I know Al feels it's best to return the Ferrari, and I respect that. In the short time I was with the car, we became very close. And if at any point you need someone to be its big brother, please know that I'm here. Sincerely, Tim Taylor, the man who controls whether Al works weekends."

Quote from Tim

Tim: I can't believe Al never told me that Trudy was rich.
Jill: Well, you know, that stuff's just not important to Al. I mean, he doesn't date for money.
Tim: He'd date for an onion ring.
Tim: She's got a grotto? A wine cellar? When I was a kid, the only thing we had in the cellar was my grandmother. "Let me out of here! This duct tape's starting to hurt me! Come on!"
Jill: Well, Trudy seems very nice. And Al seems so happy. And I feel so stupid for bringing a three-bean salad to a mansion.
Tim: FYI, that three-bean salad wouldn't taste any better in a Turkish prison.

Quote from Jill

Brad: Hey, Mom, what do you think of my face?
Jill: It's the most precious, adorable little face I've ever seen.
Brad: No, I'm actually going for a goatee.
Jill: Where? Oh, no, wait! I see a little something here. No, that's a pimple.
Brad: Oh, come on, Mom. There's gotta be something down here.
Jill: Why are you suddenly growing a beard, anyway?
Brad: Well, 'cause the whole team's doing it. We decided not to shave until our winning streak's over.
Jill: Well, I'm sure you'll win lots of games and your beard will grow in nice and thick.
Brad: Yeah.
Jill: But I don't know why anybody would want to cover up that sweet, adorable little face.
Brad: Come on, Mom.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Hey, Brad. Hi, honey.
Jill: Hi, sweetie.
Brad: Dad, you can see the goatee, right?
Tim: Yeah, but your mom prefers if I don't bring it up.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Do we have the right address?
Jill: Yeah, this is it.
Tim: She probably lives in the guesthouse around back. Let's go back there.
Al: [opens door] I thought I heard voices out here! Hey!
Jill: Hi!
Tim: Al, does the owner know you're in the main house?
Al: Of course she does. The owner's Trudy. Come on in!
Jill: Wow! What an incredible house!
Tim: Yeah. This thing's gotta be worth a million bucks. I mean, a million-two if it's been re-piped with copper.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Trudy, good to see you again.
Trudy: Nice to see you, Tim. So nice to meet you, Jill. Al just raves about you.
Jill: Oh, that's so sweet. Well, I brought a three-bean salad.
Trudy: Oh, you shouldn't have.
Tim: I tried to stop her.
Trudy: Don't be silly. I'm sure it'll be a perfect complement to the pheasant.
Tim: Pheasant? That's my favorite fowl!

Quote from Tim

Jill: Wow! You have an amazing house.
Trudy: Oh, thank you. It's been in the family for years. You've heard of the Rockefellers?
Jill: Well, of course.
Trudy: One of them ran over my grandfather.
Jill: That's awful!
Tim: How many times did they hit him?

Quote from Al

Jill: Trudy, that was an incredible dinner.
Trudy: Thank you. I love to cook.
Al: And I love to eat. [they giggle]
Trudy: We're perfect for each other.

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