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A House Divided

‘A House Divided’

Season 4, Episode 18 - Aired February 21, 1995

The Taylors have an unwelcome house guest after Tim blows up Benny's aunt's house.

Quote from Benny

Tim: Comfy, Benny?
Benny: I could use a throw pillow.


Quote from Wilson

Tim: Hey, Wilson.
Wilson: [wearing a respirator] Hi-ho, Tim.

Quote from Tim

Tim: Well, I got Benny a place to stay, and maybe a new project house for Tool Time.
Jill: Oh, I'm so tired. I think my feet are just gonna fall off.
Tim: I'll rub 'em when we get home.
Jill: They've been in work boots for 18 hours.
Tim: I'll spray them for you.

Quote from Tim

Jill: You know, this has been fun today, working together.
Tim: Yeah, it has.
Jill: I don't think that this whole day we had one argument with all this fixing and building.
Tim: That's 'cause we're sparrows that spackle from Buffalo.
Jill: What?
Tim: You know what's important is that we're good at this. We should get a contractor's license, go on the road and do odd jobs for people.
Jill: Cool. We'd be together 24 hours a day.
Tim: Perfect.
Jill: Seven days a week.
Tim: Great.
Jill: 365 days a year.
Tim: Oh, my!
Jill: Sharing our innermost feelings.
Tim: Help me.

Quote from Benny

Tim: Hey, Benny.
Benny: Hey, guys. I just want to thank you for everything you did.
Tim: You're welcome, buddy.
Benny: Even though I'm not too crazy about the paint job. Can I impose upon you for a second coat?
Tim: Honey? [helps Jill up]
Jill: Mm.
Tim: Bye, Benny.
Jill: Bye-bye.
Benny: Maybe just a different color?

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