Luke Quote #121

Quote from Luke in Teach Me Tonight

Principal Merton: You have to help him.
Luke: Me? No, I'm not the one you want helping him. I went to this school. I'm sure there's still a note stuffed in there about me with the words 'Trade SchooI' stamped in really big letters.
Principal Merton: If you can't help, you have to find someone who can.
Luke: Like who?
Principal Merton: A relative.
Luke: I don't think so. Believe me, I'm the Einstein of the clan.


 ‘Teach Me Tonight’ Quotes

Quote from Jess

Rory: I'm gonna be a journalist.
Jess: Paula Zahn?
Rory: Christiane Amanpour.
Jess: You're going to be an overseas correspondent?
Rory: Yes, I am.
Jess: You're gonna crawl around in trenches and stand on top of buildings and have bombs going off in the background and civil wars raging all around you?
Rory: What? You don't think I can do it?
Jess: No, I do. It just sounds a little too-
Rory: A little what?
Jess: Just sounds a little too rough for you.
Rory: Well, it's not a little too rough for me. I hope it's not a little too rough for me. I've been talking about this forever. I mean, I don't even know what I would do if-
Jess: Hey, I didn't mean to freak you out. I'm sorry. I'm sure you'll do it. You will. I promise. I'll help you practice, okay? Tomorrow, you'll stand in the middle of the street, and I'll drive at you screaming in a foreign language.
Rory: Well, you're gonna have to learn a foreign language first.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: The Wizard of Oz.
Rory: The Sting.
Lorelai: Rocky.
Rory: Crimes and Misdemeanors.
Lorelai: The Singing Detective.
Rory: That was a miniseries.
Lorelai: So?
Rory: So, it's like six hours long.
Lorelai: Good point. Oh, I got it. Arthur.
Rory: Yes.
Lorelai: Or Sophie's Choice.
Rory: Very similar.
Lorelai: Oh, man. I can't choose. There's too many great movies. The burden is overwhelming. I'm sinking under the pressure. My grasp on reality is slipping. I can't do it, I just can't... [phone rings] Ooh, how about Cabin Boy?

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: Are you going to tell me what you two are fighting about?
Lorelai: We're not fighting.
Rory: Okay. Are you going to tell me what it is you're not fighting about that keeps you from talking to each other ever again?
Lorelai: How about Desperately Seeking Susan?
Rory: What about My Mother is Two?
Lorelai: Never saw it. Angie Dickinson?
Rory: You're impossible.
Lorelai: Right. You're Impossible was the one with Angie Dickinson.