Quote from Lorelai in Teach Me Tonight
Lorelai: The Wizard of Oz. Rory: The Sting. Lorelai: Rocky. Rory: Crimes and Misdemeanors. Lorelai: The Singing Detective. Rory: That was a miniseries. Lorelai: So? Rory: So, it's like six hours long. Lorelai: Good point. Oh, I got it. Arthur. Rory: Yes. Lorelai: Or Sophie's Choice. Rory: Very similar. Lorelai: Oh, man. I can't choose. There's too many great movies. The burden is overwhelming. I'm sinking under the pressure. My grasp on reality is slipping. I can't do it, I just can't... [phone rings] Ooh, how about Cabin Boy?