Lorelai Quote #700

Quote from Lorelai in Secrets & Loans

Lorelai: Enough. Now I've got computer screens feeling sorry for me.
Rory: How many places is that?
Lorelai: Oh, it's not the amount of places that turns you down that matters it's the quality of the place that turns you down. When you've got Jacko's Loans not wanting your business, it's time to hang out with the Coreys.
Rory: I'm sorry.
Lorelai: I won't think about it tonight. I'll think about it tomorrow. At Tara.


 ‘Secrets & Loans’ Quotes

Quote from Sookie

Rory: We will make this up to you, Sookie.
Sookie: What are you saying? This is great. It'll be like a slumber party.
Rory: Are you sure?
Sookie: Absolutely. We can raid the fridge, we can make a nice avocado-mango facemask. Get out the tarot cards, tell fortunes, play Twister, make a Haagen-Dazs chocolate chocolate chip ice cream milkshake.
We'll watch Purple Rain.
Lorelai: Sookie, it's midnight.
Sookie: Okay, let's go straight for the milkshakes.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: Okay. Here's the deal. We will both go in. You will go in that room, but you will not say a word.
Emily: What? But I couldn't possibly just-
Lorelai: You'll say hello. You'll ask how his wife is. And that's it. After that, you will say nothing. You will do nothing. You will sit in a corner, and offer no opinions, and pull a full-on Clarence Thomas. Am I making myself perfectly clear?

Quote from Lane

Lane: I want you to rest assured that I remain me: A Nico-obsessed, X-scene wannabe with 40 Korean Bibles under her bed. I just bounce a little more.