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Like Mother, Like Daughter

‘Like Mother, Like Daughter’

Season 2, Episode 7 -  Aired November 13, 2001

Rory is told by the headmaster and guidance counselor at Chilton that she needs to be more social.

Quote from Rory

Rory: Are you gonna walk?
Lorelai: I'm wearing heels.
Rory: Change your shoes.
Lorelai: I'd have to change my outfit.
Rory: Do it.
Lorelai: I'd have to walk upstairs.
Rory: Suddenly I'm living with Zsa Zsa Gabor.


Quote from Lorelai

Rory: Ha, I made it all fit. Edna, Bill, Gore, and Eudora, all safe and sound.
Lorelai: Cool. Forgot your French book.
Rory: I know. I'm carrying my French book.
Lorelai: Mmm-hmm. You so thought that French book was already in there.
Rory: I did not.
Lorelai: You have a problem.
Rory: No, I don't.
Lorelai: You're gonna tip over from the weight of that backpack.
Rory: No, I'm not.
Lorelai: I'm gonna have to buy you a forklift. Bye.

Quote from Rory

Mrs. Burdiness: That Walkman makes you very unapproachable.
Rory: You approached me.
Mrs. Burdiness: You almost jumped out of your skin. What does that tell you?
Rory: That I'm jumpy. On the Fourth of July, forget it, I'm a wreck. When the Stars Hollow orchestra begins to play in the gazebo with the guy banging the cymbals, it drives me nuts.

Quote from Rory

Mrs. Burdiness: Well, universities do not look kindly on loners.
Rory: But I'm not a loner.
Mrs. Burdiness: What do you think a loner is?
Rory: Loners are those guys that you see walking around wearing, I don't know out-of-date clothing, bell-bottoms. And they tend to carry a duffel bag with God knows what inside. That's a loner.
Mrs. Burdiness: Loners come in all shapes and sizes. Even pretty girls. Just try to improve, Rory. Mix it up with others. You may even enjoy it. Start with lunch.
Rory: I don't suppose there's a Lunchtime Reading/Walkman-Listening Club I can join, is there? [Mrs. Burdiness sighs] I guess that's no.

Quote from Kirk

Kirk: It's all fixed. I found a loose terminal. I reconnected the battery and jumped it. It's set to go.
Lorelai: Thanks.
Kirk: And I'm not going to charge you for the time I spent stuck underneath the car.
Lorelai: That's great.
Kirk: And I just want to you know that I overheard, and you're absolutely right. I carried a duffel bag and ate lunch by myself my entire school career and I turned out just fine.

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: What happened? Did you talk to him?
Lorelai: I did. I told him he was completely out of line with his treatment of you. I told him that you are not a loner freak, you have plenty of friends, and you don't own a long black leather Matrix coat. And they should fall on their knee socks every day that you deign to show up at that loser school.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: But, hey, I've been thinking. The whole reason we did this Chilton thing is for you to get into Harvard, right? And these fanatics that run your school are the ones that write the letters to the fancy colleges saying things like, "Hey, she's keen, look at her." Or, "Have you seen the 'L' tattooed on her forehead? 'Cause it sure is a big one."
Rory: You're saying we should just go along with this?
Lorelai: Go along with it. Talk to some kids. I'll hang out with their moms and we'll get into Harvard, take over the world and buy Chilton and turn it into a rave club.
What do you say? Deal?
Rory: Deal.
Lorelai: Look, the Chilton Cheer Society wear matching hats. Go Harvard.

Quote from Rory

Rory: There's a bad draft where I usually sit. It's kind of like a big downward gust. It's not exactly "Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore" but it's still uncomfortable especially when you're just gotten your hair to behave. So can I sit here?

Quote from Lorelai

Rory: Does Grandma have a barbecue?
Lorelai: I don't know. Maybe she keeps it in a secret room with the paper napkins and the mismatched sheets.

Quote from Lorelai

Lorelai: So, a fashion show, huh? Are we gonna get any famous models?
Eva: Excuse me?
Lorelai: You know, to model the clothes. Any chance I'll finally get to see Kate Moss eat something?

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